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Economic upswing in Japan? Chances and Challenges of the "Abenomics"

Keynote speech and panel discussion about the political and economic situation in Japan, especially the Japanese ecenomic policy model of the "Abenomics"

Asset Publisher


Low growth rates, deflation and increasing government debt were inherent challenges to the Japanese development over the past years. Now, prime minister Shinzo Abe is countering these challenges with a new economic policy model - the so called "Abenomics". Next to economic and monetary policy interventions, structural reforms are supposed to form the centerpiece of this policy model. And indeed the Japanese economy is recording positive growth rates since some months. Neverthess - in light of aging societies and high levels of goverment debt - the question remains, whether this growth will be sustainable.

Tuesday, 29. October 2013


Welcome remarks

  • Frank Priess

    Deputy Head Department European and International Cooperation, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.

  • Takayuki Miyashita

    Chargé d'Affaires, Embassy of Japan to Germany


Keynote speech

Amb. Shotaro Oshima

Chairman, Institute for International Economic Studies, Tokio


Panel discussion

  • Amb. Shotaro Oshima

    Chairman, Institute for International Economic Studies, Tokio

  • Hubert Knirsch

    Head of Unit International Economic and Financial Policy, Federal Foreign Office

  • Prof. Dr. Werner Pascha

    Chair of East Asian Economic Studies/Japan and Korea, Universität Duisburg-Essen


Prof. Dr. Patrick Köllner

Director of the GIGA Institute of Asian Studies, German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA)



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Academy of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation
Tiergartenstr. 35,
10785 Berlin



Abenomics: Japans Wirtschaft erholt sich: Von einer dauerhaften Stabilisierung zu sprechen, ist es aber noch zu früh
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Rabea Förstmann

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