Young people blame the older generation for their failures. The expression "Ok Boomer" is symbolic of this reproachful attitude. Conversely, the older generation sometimes sees the younger ones as selfish, not very resilient and disoriented. They think that young people should first achieve something before making demands. Are we in the midst of a generational conflict?
The KAS Day "See and be seen – generations connect even more" on 7 September 2023 is dedicated to the alleged as well as actual lines of conflict between the generations. In accordance with our leitmotif "Shaping.Democracy.Together", we will contribute to the debate and show that our democracy thrives on exchange, respectful interaction and shared values that connect the generations.
10.00 – 10.45
GenerationsTalk: ChancenZeit: #geMEINsam for society?
Moderated Town Hall format: Where do the generations stand? What moves them? How do they relate to each other? Is ChancenZeit a step towards more understanding and cohesion?
Michael Thielen
Secretary General of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation
Carolin Unger
DigitalAcademy Officer at
the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation
Bas Böttcher
Dr. Carsten Linnemann MdB
General Secretery of the CDU
Cedric Finian Röhrich
Federal Chairman of the SchülerUnion
Hauptmann Jan Czarnitzki
Junior Officer of the Bundeswehr
Dr. Nino Galetti
Head of the KAS Italy Office
Nils Thieben
Director of Studies at Ludwig Windthorst Haus
Location: Academy Forum
11.00 – 13.00
Workshop I: From Influencer to "Sinnfluencer"? Is the Generation "Z" really the only generation that sees the problems of tomorrow?
Influencer and Bundeswehr Officer
Rares Antal
Influencer and Blogger from Bucharest, Romania
Location: Academy Forum
11.00 – 13.00
Workshop II: From climate protest to climate protection
Discussion on climate protests around Fridays for Future/Last Generation. Joint development of a concept on how to actively and constructively help the environment.
Climate concerns and climate protest - an overview
Dr. Jochen Roose
Electoral and Social Research Officer at the Konrad Adenauer Foundation
In conversation
Cedric Finian Röhrich
Federal Chairman of the SchülerUnion
Viviane Raddatz
Head of Climate Protection and Energy Policy WWF Germany
Jonathan Lukas Neu
Energy Policy Officer at the Konrad Adenauer Foun-dation
Location: Academy JKS
13.00 – 13.45
Lunch Break
Lunch Break
13.45 – 14.30
Presentation of the work results and workshops evaluation
Presentation of the results and experiences by the participants
Bas Böttcher
Nils Thieben
Director of Studies at Ludwig Windthorst Haus
Location: Academy Forum
15.30 – 17.00
"Generation is less than age"
Presentation and discussion of the KAS study results
Hermann Gröhe MdB
Deputy Chairman of the CDU/CSU
Introduction to the study
Dr. Jochen Roose
Expert Electoral and Social Research - Konrad Adenauer Foundation
Johannes Winkel
Federal Chairman of the Junge Union
Ramona Pop
Executive Director of the Federation of German Consumer Organisations
Ria Schröder MdB
FDP Parliamentary Group in the German Bundestag
Niels Annen MdB
Parliamentary State Secretary for Economic Cooperation and Development
Dr. Jochen Roose
Expert Electoral and Social Research - Konrad Adenauer Foundation
Location: Academy Forum
17.30 – 18.30
"See and be seen - generations connect even more"
The coexistence of the generations is the basis of our democracy - social cohesion rests here on values that are lived together. The Russian war of aggression on Ukraine, the climate crisis, social injustice, the future of pensions and demographic change strongly influence the relationship between the generations.
Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert
Chairman of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation
Former President of the Bundestag
Friedrich Merz MdB
Chairman of the CDU and
CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group in the Bundestag
Célia Šašić
Vice-President of the German Football Association
In conversation
Célia Šašić
Vice-President of the German Football Association
Friedrich Merz MdB
Chairman of the CDU and
CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group in the Bundestag
Representatives of the Jugendpolitiktag
Carolin Unger
DigitalAcademy Officer at the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation
Location: Academy Forum
From 19.00
"Get together" in the garden of the KAS Academy
Main topics
The Konrad Adenauer Foundation's leitmotif "Shaping.Democracy.Together" is supported by a thematic focus. The three focal themes of innovation, security and representation, and participation make it clear which topics the Konrad Adenauer Foundation will be dealing with intensively in the coming years.
Our security cannot be taken for granted. On our focus page on "Security", our experts explain why and where democracy, the rule of law, peace, freedom, prosperity and solidarity are in danger and what we can do to counteract this.

Innovations are indispensable if we want to solve the great tasks facing humanity. For us, these are first and foremost peace and security, freedom and justice, the preservation of creation and our prosperity. At the same time, innovations raise ethical and socio-political questions. On our focus page on the topic of "Innovation", our experts explain how we position ourselves in this field of tension and promote an innovation-friendly climate.

When we are asked what we do, the answer could well be short: We care about democracy. Here in Germany and elsewhere in the world. On our focus page on "Representation and Participation" we explain how we do it, what challenges we face and who our partners are.