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Alexander Beribes
Western Balkans / Southeastern Europe

Alexander Beribes has been working for the Konrad Adenauer Foundation since December 2019 - initially as a European Affairs Officer and since April 2023 as an Officer for the Western Balkans and Southeastern Europe. Alexander Beribes began his professional career in the Saxon state parliament, where he dealt with social, security and European policy issues. He studied political science at the Technical University of Chemnitz and Eastern European studies at the Free University of Berlin. During that time, he completed study abroad programs in Krakow (Jagiellonian University) and in Prague (Charles University) and gained professional experience at the headquarters of the German Foreign Office, at the Federal Ministry of Defense, and at the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik. Alexander Beribes is a former fellow of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.
- Eastern, Central and Southeastern Europe
- European unification process