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Europe and North America

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Our focus in Europe

The work of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s Foundation offices in Europe is of particular importance. Our central concern is to strengthen and deepen European cooperation while at the same time stabilising bilateral links between the individual member states. In the face of the major challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the current focus, alongside economic and social recovery and a lasting resolution of the crisis, is on making the European Union as a whole stronger, fairer and more sustainable. In addition to global challenges such as climate change and increasing competition between systems, the focus is on digitalisation and innovation to strengthen Europe’s ability to act both internally and externally.

Party-political cooperation thereby is a particularly well-established tradition in Western Europe and an important instrument for KAS to promote the bilateral dialogue between the member states. However, changes to the party-political landscape across Europe is also putting established partnerships under increasing strain. In Southern Europe - among others due to the coronavirus pandemic - the image of Europe has recently become tarnished to some extent. Southern Europe has at times felt inadequately supported by its European partners in the three major crises - the coronavirus pandemic, the financial and the migration crises. In the coronavirus crisis, criticism of and dissatisfaction with the EU have now reached a new peak and are unfortunately beginning to manifest in fundamentally pro-European circles. It is this trend that the Foundation offices are seeking to counteract with their measures.

In view of the generally worrying increase in populist and nationalist stances in many countries of the EU, particularly in Southern and Eastern Central Europe, KAS’s measures continue to focus on supporting partner organisations in politics and civil society to strengthen their influence on policy-making and their role in the democratic system.

At the heart of the debate and the work of the KAS offices in Eastern Central Europe are the issues of security and defence policy alongside the current state and future of European integration. Here, it is the task and goal of KAS to restate the common European positions with greater vigour. Another focus is on cooperation with relevant state and civil society actors as they continue to come to terms with their communist past. In general, polarisation of the political landscape can also be observed in the region. For KAS, therefore, a particularly crucial task is to strengthen civil society as an important long-term stabiliser for relations.

Overall, the East-West divide between the old member states of the European Union in Western Europe and the new member states in Central and Eastern Europe has widened in recent years. These fractures are manifesting again and again in discussions about the rule of law, the independence of state institutions and the role of national identities, nations, patriotism and nationalism.

KAS also continues with high-profile events to work towards the rapprochement of the non-member states of the Western Balkans with the European Union, in South-Eastern Europe as well as in Brussels and Berlin, and to support regional cooperation within the framework of the Berlin Process initiated by Chancellor Angela Merkel. The interplay - and, in many cases, tension - between loyalty to values and interest-driven politics fundamentally shape the engagement in the Western Balkans, especially in the context of party-political cooperation.

In Eastern Europe, in view of Russia’s tense relations with the “West” and parts of its immediate neighbourhood, the focus continues to be on the geopolitical situation, as well as on the far-reaching and yet partially stalled political, economic and social transformation processes in the states involved in the EU’s Eastern Partnership. The work of KAS in Eastern Europe therefore focuses on supporting the establishment of democracy and the rule of law as well as social and economic development, while at the same time promoting rapprochement with the EU within the framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy and dialogue on regional security policy issues.


Our focus in North America

Under the US administration of former President Donald Trump, the perspective of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s transatlantic work experienced a shift. In this occasionally unorthodox US administration, the viewpoints of Germany or the EU were not always well perceived. The discourses on reinforcing a common European position and focusing on Europe’s capacity to act gained momentum as a result. With regard to the new US administration under the 46th President Joe Biden, it remains important to advocate shared positions to find stronger common ground on key issues of the transatlantic relationship. While some basic strategic directions of the Trump administration are likely to remain, the return of the US to multilateral agreements is expected. With regard to NATO, the European partners should be prepared to be called upon to make more efforts within the framework of the defence alliance. The KAS office in the US is therefore engaging in matters of shared interest with Europe, such as trade, climate and security policy.

With five offices in Europe and North America, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is working on multilateral issues of concern to the international institutions and organisations located there. From the United Nations headquarters in New York, the Foundation’s office is working to strengthen the multilateral order and to promote democracy, human rights and the rule of law. The office there is also concerned with the issues of peace and security, the implementation of Agenda2030 and with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and digital technologies in the field of digital governance. From its Geneva office, the Foundation has been involved in the work of the World Health Organization (WHO) since long before the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, where its contributions include reporting, background discussions, informative events and publications. Other focal points include the issues of world trade, refugee movements and migration, human rights, humanitarian aid and digitalisation. The Washington D.C. office monitors the work of the World Bank Group. From its Brussels office, the Multinational Development Policy Dialogue of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung concerns itself with the external dimension of the work of the European Union. From its base in Vienna, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung deals, among other things, with issues of arms control and peacekeeping.


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Topic pages of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

We are significantly involved in the following KAS-wide thematic pages. Here you will regularly find various contributions (including publications and events) from our department.

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Dr. Lars Hänsel


Head of the Department Europe and North America +49 30 26996-3526


Team member

Marcel Schmidt

Marcel Schmidt

Desk Officer for European Affairs and Multilateral Dialogue +49 (0) 30 26 996 - 3671
Team member

Jonathan Nowak

Jonathan Nowak (2020)

Desk Officer for Northern Atlantic +49 30 26996-53368
Team member

Toni Michel

Toni Michel

Desk Officer for Western and Southern Europe +49 30 26996-3841 +49 30 26996-5 3841
Team member

Zarife Gagica

Zarife Gagica KAS

Desk Officer for East Central Europe +49 30 26996-3871 +49 30 26996-53871
Team member

Alexander Beribes

Alexander Beribes

Western Balkans / Southeastern Europe
Team member

Loretta von Plettenberg


Policy Advisor for Western and Southern Europe (EU) +49 30 26996-3935 +49 30 26996-5 3935

Ingrid Garwels

Ingrid Garwels

Desk Officer for Europe and North America in the Department International Dialogue Programs +49 30 26996-3520 +49 30 26996-3558

Carola Fritz

Carola Fritz

Conference Assistant for Europe and North America in the Department International Dialogue Programs +49 30 26996-3484 +49 30 26996-3558

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Publications to the topic

Utah Beach war bei der Landung der Alliierten in der Normandie im Zweiten Weltkrieg der Deckname für einen französischen Küstenabschnitt von knapp fünf Kilometern Länge KAS Frankreich

80 years of D-Day

Looking backward and looking forward to French, European and Franco-German remembrance culture

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Rome's perspective on the Gaza war

A diplomatic balancing act on both sides of the Tiber

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Summit of the Future

Disillusionment instead of optimism

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Georgian own goal

The law on agents greets us every year: A controversial project is to be passed in the Georgian parliament at the second attempt

Proteste Portugal

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Results of the early parliamentary elections in Portugal

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France ahead of the European elections

Right-wing populists on the rise

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Die 13. Monatsrente wird kommen

WTO Seeseite KAS Genf

Ministerialerklärung in der Verlängerung

Ergebnisse und Einschätzungen der 13. Ministerkonferenz der Welthandelsorganisation (WTO)

US-Präsidentschaftskandidatin Nikki Haley IMAGO / USA TODAY Network

Biden and Trump: Unpopular and Unavoidable

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Präsident Emmanuel Macron bei der Ukraine-Hilfskonferenz in Paris am 26.02.2024 IMAGO / ABACAPRESS

Franco-German tensions and European pressure to act

Ukraine conference in Paris

Straßenproteste in der Slowakei gegen einen Plan des populistischen Ministerpräsidenten Robert Fico, das Strafgesetzbuch zu ändern und die Staatsanwaltschaft abzuschaffen. IMAGO / CTK Photo

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Multilateraler Dialog Genf, Genfer Depesche WHA U.S. Mission / Eric Bridiers / flickr / CC BY-ND 2.0

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The citizens of Kosovo now also have the freedom to travel to the European Union

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New defence strategies for Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia

Baltic Bastions

Donald Trump bei den Iowa Vorwahlen IMAGO / USA TODAY Network

How important is Iowa?

On the Outcome of the First Primaries for the U.S. Presidential Election.

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Media library

Neue Folge des Podcasts Multipod
Multipod: Wie können Frauenrechte im Gesundheitssektor gestärkt werden?
Erfahren Sie mehr über die Herausforderungen von Frauen, Ihr Recht auf Gesundheit einzufordern.
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KAS USA / UVA Online Event
Threat Perception and Deterrence after the Ukraine War
This online event launched a new report by the National Security Policy Center at the University of Virginia.
międzynarodowa konferencja
Warsaw Security Forum
FKA również w tym roku wzięła udział w tym ważnym wydarzeniu, poświęconemu sprawom bezpieczeństwa, organizując debaty z udziałem niemieckich polityków.
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Podcast Forum Dialog Plus
Ukraina szybciej wstąpi do NATO niż UE
Zapraszamy do wysłuchania najnowszego podcastu, który Marcin Antosiewicz nagrał z b. ambasadorem Polski w Ukrainie, Janem Piekło.
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Neue Podcastfolge von „Auslandsinfo Spotlight“
Signal der Geschlossenheit? Der NATO-Gipfel in Vilnius und die Zukunft der Ukraine
Bald findet der NATO-Gipfel in Vilnius statt. Wir sprechen mit den Expertinnen Dr. Christina Krause und Christina Bellmann u.a. darüber, welches Signal nach Russland gesendet wird.

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