Asset Publisher
Dr. Jan Philipp Wölbern
Deputy Head of the Ukraine Office

Dr. Jan Philipp Woelbern is Deputy Head of the Ukraine Office in Kyiv since August 2023. Since he joined KAS in 2016, he was a consultant for Eastern Europe in the Foundation’s Europe-North America Department and a research associate in the Contemporary History Department. After studying history, political science and English, completing a dissertation in history on the subject of "The Ransoming of Political Prisoners from the GDR, 1962/63-1989" and the 2nd state examination, he worked as a research assistant at the Centre for Contemporary History Potsdam from 2014 to 2016. Jan Philipp Woelbern is a former scholarship holder of the Adenauer-Stiftung and a volunteer on the board of the Cottbus Human Rights Centre / Cottbus Prison Memorial.