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Dr. Jochen Roose

Electoral and Social Research

PD Dr Jochen Roose studied sociology at the Freie Universität Berlin. After receiving his doctorate as a research assistant at the Social Science Center Berlin, he habilitated in sociology at Freie Universität Berlin. Besides posts at the Social Science Center Berlin, the University of Leipzig and the German Institute for Urban Affairs, he was employed as a professor at the University of Hamburg, Freie Universität Berlin, and the University of Wrocław, before he became researcher at the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in 2018. He has been engaged in electoral and social research for the Department of Analysis and Consulting since January 2020. His areas of expertise are methods of empirical research (quantitative and qualitative), participation (social movements, volunteering, public opinion) and European integration (European identity, civil society and public sphere).


  • Public Opinion and Voting Behavior
  • Participation
  • Methods of empirical social research

Contact +49 30 26996-3798


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Curriculum vitae (.pdf)

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