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Kieler Nachrichten wins the German Local Journalist Award 2022 for the campaign "Licht zeigen” (Showing Light)

Sign against forgetting, against hate and exclusion

The "Oscar" for local journalists

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The winners of the German Local Journalist Award for 2022 have been announced: The first prize goes to the Kieler Nachrichten for their campaign "Licht zeigen” (Showing Light). The project starts with a famous photo of a Hanukkah candlestick, but goes far beyond that as it progresses, working on the foundations of our democracy. The Main-Echo received the second prize for the well-founded series "Retter in Not” (Rescuer in need) about the difficult framework conditions for rescue services. The third prize goes to the Kölner Stadtanzeiger for its investigative story "Betäubt, missbraucht, im Stich gelassen“ (Stunned, abused, abandoned) - a story about abuse in a hospital. The volunteer award goes to a project of young journalists from the Märkische Oderzeitung and the Lausitzer Rundschau who intensively dealt with the topic "Alles Nazis in der Provinz? Rechtsextremismus in Brandenburg“ (All Nazis in the Province? Right-wing extremism in Brandenburg) using multimedia. 

Further information can be found in the press release (in German).

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