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Catalyst or Destabiliser?

by Karolina Zbytniewska, Daphne Wolter, Nicolás Guzmán, Mila Serafimova, Nikos S. Panagiotou, Christoph Plate, Joel Konopo, Asha Mwilu, Sabine Murphy

COVID-19 and Its Impact on the Media Landscape Worldwide

As for so many other sectors, the COVID-19 pandemic has also left its marks on the media landscape worldwide. But has it really been a game-changer, or has it just accelerated and reinforced pre-existing trends? Has it only caused damage, or also offered new opportunities, and separated the wheat from the chaff? Eleven experts and practitioners covering nine world regions and countries will explore these questions.

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“COVID-19 and the Media”: As with so many “COVID-19 and …” topics,
this is a correlation that works both ways. It is obvious that the quality
of the media coverage that people consume during the pandemic can
have an influence on how they behave and thus accelerate or slow
down the spread of the virus. At the same time, however, the COVID-19
pandemic has also changed the conditions under which media outlets
and journalists work in many ways. The plastic covers over reporters’
microphones, which have become commonplace, are only the most
superficial expression of this. This publication aims to investigate the
diverse consequences the virus has on the media landscape in different
regions of the world.

“COVID-19 and …” topics often evoke negative associations. This is
understandable given the economic, social and – most importantly –
human damage caused by the virus. And, needless to say, the
pandemic has also posed enormous challenges for the media and
journalists worldwide. It has cost many their jobs, some even more.
Nevertheless, this publication would explicitly like to highlight the
opportunities the pandemic could have for this industry. When if
not now – many of our authors ask – would be the time to convince
people of the value (including the monetary value) of fact-based,
independent journalism?

The eleven regional or country-specific contributions we have compiled,
are deliberately as diverse in style as the situation in these
countries and regions.

Catalyst or Destabiliser? COVID-19 and Its Impact on the Media Landscape Worldwide - Germany


Catalyst or Destabiliser? COVID-19 and its Impact on the worlds Media Landscape - Sub-Saharan Africa:


Catalyst or Destabiliser? COVID-19 and Its Impact on the Media Landscape Worldwide - USA:



Catalyst or Destabiliser? COVID-19 and Its Impact on the Media Landscape Worldwide - Latin America:

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Dr. Sören Soika


Editor-in-Chief International Reports (Ai) +49 30 26996 3388



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