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The Impact of TTIP

by Andreas Freytag, Peter Draper, Susanne Fricke

Volume 2: Political Consequences for EU Economic Policymaking, Transatlantic Integration, China and World Trade Order

The envisaged Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is not only of enormous economic relevance, but also has the potential to cause shifts in global governance and the global architecture of trade and welfare. Whereas transatlantic negotiations in the 1990s were generally seen as a threat to the global trade order and bore the risk of a "Fortress Atlantic", this time the preconditions are different.

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David Gregosz

David Gregosz bild

Director KAS office Poland +48 22 845-9330
Single title
September 29, 2014
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August 21, 2013
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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.


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