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The Better Democracy

by Franziska Fislage, Dr. habil. Karsten Grabow, Nico Lange, Tobias Montag, Dr. Franziska Rinke, Daphne Wolter

Principles for a representative order

Democracies are very demanding in terms of the necessary prerequisites and can beorganised in a variety of ways. In this brochure, we have set out the principles for arepresentative parliamentary democracy that we believe make for the better democracy. Our purpose is to promote a representative parliamentary democracy.

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The Better Democracy

Principles for a representative order

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Democracy creates acceptance and stability

As strongholds of freedom, the law and people’s welfare, democracies offer the best conditions for citizens living together.

Free elections enable all citizens to become engaged in state matters. In a democracy, every person has the opportunity of assuming responsibility and applying for official positions. Democracy reconciles the freedom of the individual with society’s aspirations, generating a sense of the common good.

The government is bound to fulfil the will of the people. That is how democracy produces its own acceptance and stability. That is the secret to its success.

Democracies are very demanding in terms of the necessary prerequisites and can be organised in a variety of ways. In this brochure, we have set out the principles for a representative parliamentary democracy that we believe make for the better democracy.

Our purpose is to promote a representative parliamentary democracy.


Human dignity  is inviolable

Respecting the dignity of every individual is at the heart of politics. A person is not an object for the state to control. The state is there for the people.

In everything it does, the state is bound to observe people’s basic rights. The basic rights protect us and guarantee our freedom.

The important basic rights include the following: right to life and physical integrity, equality before the law, freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, inviolability of the home, property rights, gender equality and freedom of movement.

Anybody whose basic rights are violated can demand redress in a court of law. There can be no democracy without basic rights.


You can download the entire publication as a pdf.

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Dr. Viola Neu


Deputy Head of Division Analysis and Consulting,
Head of Department Electoral and Social Research +49 30 26996-3506


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