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Thinking it over: TTIP

by Cvetelina Todorova, Gunter Rieck Moncayo

Trade. Investment. Partnership

Even at the negotiation stage, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) was triggering emotional debates. But an informed discussion requires good arguments based on facts and background.

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As an integrated trading state, the Federal Republic of Germany has benefited since its formation from the country‘s progressive integration into the global economy. After all, the Economic Miracle and the „Prosperity for All” program were made possible by open markets. Germany especially,

as an exporting economy, has an interest in trade liberalization and establishing clear rules for world trade. By creating a common economic area, the liberal democracies of the EU and the US can shape a global economic order.


Free trade agreements release potential, creating impetus for growth and prosperity. The US has particular importance for the German economy in this regard: the United States is Germany‘s largest trading partner outside of the EU. Growth in trade between the EU and the US as a result of the TTIP is expected to have a positive impact on the German job market.


Direct foreign investment is a key prerequisite for economic success in the face of global competition. About 2.6 million German jobs depend on direct foreign investment, and the US is Germany‘s largest non- European investor. Protection of foreign investments and reliable procedures for resolving disputes create an incentive for further investments. But German and European investors also need protection in the US.


In view of the demographic trends and relatively weak economic growth in Europe, the EU may lose significance in the future in the context of the global economy. Europe needs strong partners. A partnership with the US will solidify our position in the global market. The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) offers numerous opportunities. Let us talk about it!

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David Gregosz

David Gregosz bild

Director KAS office Poland +48 22 845-9330


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