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Visit by the President of the Serbian National Assembly

Ana Brnabić for talks in Berlin

The President of the National Assembly and former Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabić, visited the Berlin headquarters of the KAS on 3 July 2024 with a parliamentary delegation from the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS). The exchange centred primarily on Serbia's EU accession process and the tense political situation in the Western Balkans.

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Brnabić und Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert KAS
The Chairman of the Foundation, Prof Dr Norbert Lammert, receives the President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Ana Brnabić.

Official accession talks between Serbia and the EU began in 2014. The country still has a lot of reform efforts to make. As the KAS, we are supporting this process and are working intensively to improve intergovernmental and inter-societal cooperation in the Western Balkans, particularly as part of the "Berlin Process".

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Alexander Beribes

Portrait von Alexander Beribes

Western Balkans / Southeastern Europe


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