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The 3 Ds: security, religious, environmental and economic diplomacy in the heart of the Sahara-Sahel region

The 3Ds: Security, Religious, Environmental-Economic Diplomacies at the Heart of the Sahara-Sahel is a publication that stems from an international conference held by the Center for Global Studies and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Morocco-Mauritania. Presented with the multi-faceted challenges in the Sahara-Sahel which include the insecurity of geopolitics, transformation of religion, the economy, and ecology, this book seeks to answer the call for deeper understanding of the interplay of these factors. The conference was aimed at understanding the overlapping and interlacing influence of the security, religious, and economic diplomacies on the direction of the region’s development through the involvement of researchers, specialists, and practitioners in the field. The publication documents the debates and answers provided on how best to address the issues while stressing the need for both greater and more comprehensive and integrated approaches to sustain and bolster the stability and resilience of the Sahara-Sahel region.

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The Sahel region has undergone significant geopolitical transformation in recent years. The failure of Western interventions, particularly by France, has left a vacuum that has been exploited by new international actors such as Russia and China. Russia's diplomacy in the Sahel combines security, religion, and economy, using the Wagner Group to expand its influence while offering investments in energy and educational infrastructure.

Russia’s strategy contrasts with the military approach of European missions by providing comprehensive development, which has gained the trust of local governments and populations. This intervention has reshaped the geopolitical landscape of the Sahel, where Western influence has waned, and Russia’s multifaceted strategy has gained ground.

The transnationalization of violence, driven by jihadist and secessionist ideologies, has weakened Sahelian states despite military support from traditional partners like the United States and France. The inability of these actors to neutralize violence and promote development has led to new geopolitical realities, with Russia’s indirect intervention through the Africa Corps.

The Sahel Alliance, a new regional organization focused on security, seeks to address threats at the borders of the Liptako Gourma area, where the G5 Sahel has failed. This alliance, with external support, is attempting to remedy years of open conflict in northern and central Mali, western Niger, and northern Burkina Faso.

Cultural and religious diplomacy also plays a crucial role in social cohesion and the stability of the Sahel. Promoting cultural diplomacy can contribute to the cohesion of the region's diverse populations, while religious diplomacy, through the mediation of traditional and religious leaders, can help resolve conflicts and prevent radicalization.

Climate change and its effects on intra-African mobility, food security, and natural resource management is a key factor for the stability of the Sahel. Environmental and economic diplomacy can contribute to climate resilience and sustainable development by promoting sustainable practices and strengthening local capacities.

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Steven Höfner

Steven Höfner

Leiter Auslandsbüro Marokko

Abir Ibourk

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