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Security and Defence

Security and Defence

Bedrock of Peace and Freedom


A policy of strength is […] not a policy of violence. Quite the opposite! We want to serve peace by pursuing a policy that is calm, constant and thus gaining in strength.

Konrad Adenauer, 1956

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At a glance

  • Russia and China are currently considered the greatest threats to our western-style global order based on rules and values.
  • The Russian war of aggression on Ukraine has revealed the fragility of our security. It is therefore essential to focus transatlantic relations more strongly on defence and deterrence once again.
  • A strong NATO needs a militarily strong European Union. Developing the EU’s  defensive capability is a prerequisite for NATO being able to secure peace in Europe in the future.
  • Our democracies are constantly coming under threat from within. The war against terrorism and domestic security are therefore the ongoing tasks of the constitutional state.
  • Security is a focal point of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s work. Our diverse formats aim to stimulate discourse and develop options for action in crises and problem situations.



1. Numerous threats to a rules- and values-based world order

2. Reflection on defense and deterrence

3. The EU must have a strong military position

4. A functioning Bundeswehr needs planning security

5. Warning of hybrid threats and their impact

6. Focus on domestic security and counter-terrorism

7. Our contribution to a better understanding of security policy

8. Our offers and projects on the topic

9. Publications, events and media contributions on the topic


The security policy challenges facing the Federal Republic of Germany and its partners are on the increase. In our “contested and unpredictable world”, as NATO describes the current international situation in its 2022 Strategic Concept, a 360-degree threat analysis, which continually captures the return of military violence on the European continent to enforce power-political endeavours, the ongoing threat posed by terrorism, the rise in global conflicts and instability, as well as the escalating systemic competition, is vital.


Numerous threats to a rules- and values-based world order

Russia needs to be perceived as the greatest direct threat to our security at present, having unhinged the existing security architecture and European peace order through the annexation of Crimea in 2014 in contravention of international law, and the war of aggression on Ukraine that followed eight years later.

What is more, the People's Republic of China is positioning itself against a rule-based order according to Western standards. The growing system rivalry between the superpowers China and the US along with tensions in the Indo-Pacific require the European Union and the Federal Republic of Germany to adopt a clear position. It is also essential not to underestimate the security policy repercussions of climate change and their significance. These multiple threats require resilient partnerships and new forms of responsibility sharing.


Reflection on defense and deterrence: Transatlantic relations must focus on their core mission

NATO continues to be the beating heart of transatlantic cooperation. After decades of out-of-area operations, the Transatlantic alliance is now increasingly focusing on its traditional core tasks again – collective defence and deterrence. With the 2022 Strategic Concept, NATO has given itself a new strategic directive that must be consistently implemented over the coming years. Germany has a key role to play here thanks to its location, size, and economic clout. Investments are needed of at least two per cent of gross domestic product into modernising the Bundeswehr so that Germany can assume more responsibility in the alliance, fulfil its promises towards NATO partners, and become the backbone of European defence once again.


The EU must have a strong military position: Basic prerequisite for security in Europe

The European Union’s unity is currently being challenged both internally and externally due to various developments. The US will significantly reduce its commitment in and for Europe over the coming years. The EU needs to find joint responses to this to counter autocratic powers. To this end, the EU has developed its own strategic approach, the Strategic Compass. From a military perspective, the member states must intensify cooperation and consolidate their mechanisms for integration. A militarily capable EU is by no means in contradiction with NATO but is rather a condition for NATO continuing to act as the main guarantor of security and stability on the European continent. As the largest national economy in Europe, Germany has to take more responsibility in the European alliance and contribute to European security and sovereignty.


A functioning Bundeswehr needs planning security: the basis for an effective and defensible army

The Bundeswehr is key to national and collective defence on the side of our European and transatlantic partners. This requires an advanced strategic culture and a fully-equipped, operational and socially anchored Bundeswehr, whose financing is guaranteed over the long term. It is only through planning security that a powerful army and reserve with the ability of defence can be built up and maintained as part of society.  The soldiers, as citizens in uniform, must be equipped and trained to the highest possible standard.


Warning of hybrid threats and their impact: society and the state must protect themselves

Classic military means are no longer the only strategy deployed in modern conflict scenarios. Actors in this field rely on hybrid tactics, a combination of cyber-attacks, disinformation campaigns, attacks on critical infrastructure, migration movements and economic pressure – invariably with the goal of making societies feel insecure, destabilising them and influencing public opinion. This intensifying threat situation and increase in complex crises calls on the state to dramatically ramp up its level of protection. We, too, as a society, must learn to deal with these dangers, to protect ourselves and our democratic institutions against them and to develop resilience throughout the whole of society.


Focus on domestic security and counter-terrorism: an ongoing task for the democratic constitutional state

Maintaining domestic security is a permanent task of the democratic constitutional state. At the same time, it is threatened from various sides. It has long been clear that domestic security can no longer be separated from external factors. Actors involved in organised crime smuggle drugs, weapons, and people into the EU. Terrorist networks and political as well as religious extremists are in continuous exchange and coordinate their activities. It is only possible to effectively counter these cross-border threats by means of the necessary competences and personnel resources. Security authorities must rely on closer cooperation with one another and expand their capacities. Current developments in left-wing and right-wing extremism should be kept under close scrutiny by means of an efficient exchange between the security authorities in order to take action against enemies of the constitution, democracy and the rule of law. In light of the radicalisation processes and conspiracy ideological narratives, special emphasis needs to be placed on the digital space.


Our contribution to a better understanding of security policy: we clarify and initiate discourse

Regarding this comprehensive set of issues encompassing many different aspects, we at the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V. mainly focus on the sub-areas of foreign and security policy, transatlantic relations, European security, the Bundeswehr and society, domestic security and counter-terrorism as well as cyber security. We also report on current security policy crises, conflicts, and wars, and analyse their actors and developments to demonstrate potential courses of action and solutions.

With our work on security and defence in Germany and abroad, which, aside from publications, events and multi-media contributions also includes more extensive website projects and topic pages, we intend to build awareness, improve understanding and initiate discourse on the security and defence policy challenges of our time.

Our offers and projects on the topic

International offices and programmes

Security is a complex and multi-dimensional topic. Security policy crises, conflicts, wars, or unstable state entities are for the most part not only of local importance, but often have a global impact due to a globalised and closely connected world. With our Security Policy Dialogue in Sub-Saharan Africa, we pursue the strategy of helping to stabilise the situation through enhanced dialogue in severely hit regions of Africa.

Security Policy Dialogue in Sub-Saharan Africa


Security policy challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa have increased significantly in over recent years and have highlighted the need for a stronger dialogue on security policy in the region. Our Regional Programme Security Policy Dialogue in Sub-Saharan Africa is represented by two offices, for the French-speaking region in Abidjan, Ivory Coast (SIPODI West) and the Anglophone language region in Kampala, Uganda (SIPODI East). One of the goals is to strengthen the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) through suitable, often for instance in the fight against crime and terrorism.


Learn more about Security Policy Dialogue in West Africa

Learn more about Security Policy Dialogue in East Africa


Event series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung provides a number of events on security policy issues. It is particularly worth mentioning our regular event series devoted to important issues for and challenges facing international and European security policy.

Adenauer Conference


The Adenauer Conference is one of our flagship events on the role of Germany in international and European security policy. As part of the conference, we debate with high-ranking experts and politicians on strategic future issues and current security policy challenges: What role does NATO play? How does the Corona pandemic impact on security policy and where does it leave Europe in the system competition?


Learn more about the Adenauer Conference

F.A.Z.-KAS-Debate on International Politics


The annual “FAZ.KAS Debate on International Politics” jointly hosted with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, plays a role in strengthening important discussions on foreign policy issues in Germany. A particularly interesting aspect of the event series is the synergy effect of the two event partners: On the one side, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung with its more than 110 offices abroad, and the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on the other, which for many years has been analysing international politics with recognised foreign policy expertise.


Learn more about the F.A.Z.-KAS Debate

GLOBSEC Bratislava Forum


The GLOBASEC Bratislava Forum is an annual conference taking place in Slovakia, having established itself as a leading platform in the Central and Eastern European region. The strategic conference, dedicated to the issues of security and international relations in particular, is one of the world’s most important events of its kind.


Learn more about the GLOBSEC Bratislava Forum

Forte de Copacabana


Forte de Copacabana is an international security conference and a multilateral forum for dialogue between South America and Europe. Together with the foreign policy think tank, Brazilian Centre for International Relations (CEBRI), and the Delegation of the European Union, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is hosting this conferenc. At the forefront of debates are issues on international security as well as exciting exchange between European and Latin American representatives on security policy topics.


Learn more about Forte de Copacabana.


Publication and website projects

Some of our publication and website projects deal with various aspects of the topics “security and defence”. Special emphasis is placed upon our extensive knowledge portal on extremism.

75 years of NATO


This year, the North Atlantic Treaty Alliance is celebrating its 75th anniversary. Sweden's admission to the defence alliance is good news but 2024 could shape the future of NATO and the transatlantic relations in a profound way. On our project page, we offer insights into current developments, as well as challenges and opportunities for the Alliance. Come and take a look and discover our wide range of publications and other formats!


Learn more about NATO's 75th anniversary

“The Deteriorating Security Situation in West Africa”


In view of the growing threat of Islamist terrorism in the West Africa region, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung has initiated the project “The Deteriorating Security Situation in West Africa” together with the Counter Extremism Project. Within the framework of the project, we want to raise awareness of the relevance of the issue among German and European political decision-makers. In a total of twelve strategy papers and weekly social media analyses, we therefore focus on issues of security and counterterrorism as well as the analysis of the deteriorating security situation in the region. From the results of our analyses, we then derive concrete recommendations for action for political decision-makers.


Learn more about The Deteriorating Security Situation in West Africa

Defensive Democracy


With its war of aggression on Ukraine, Russia has created facts that have brought the question of the defence capability of our democracy to the centre of political and public interest. But it is not only conventional armies and the military power of autocratic states that threaten liberal democracies. Our society is also exposed to other dangers from within and without, which our volume of essays and a major campaign deal with.


Learn more about the topic “Defensive Democracy” or go directly to the essay collection (The (More) Defensive Democracy). “die wehrhafte(re) Demokratie”

Disinformation - Threat and danger to democracy and society


Disinformation can be targeted and spread as a weapon in times of war. In the digital age, disinformation has reached new dimensions and can not only cause social divisions but also endanger democracy. Our campaign stands up against disinformation and for a resilient democracy.


Learn more about the topic “Disinformation - Threat and danger to democracy and society”



The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s extremism project aims to be a comprehensive knowledge portal on aspects relating to “left-wing extremism”, “right-wing extremism”, “Islamism” and “conspiracy theories”. Numerous renowned experts provide information in articles and analyses on the complexity alongside the multi-faceted nature and characteristics of individual extremisms. Broadly-based: Whether you have questions on extremist ideologies, structures, goals, or organisations - they will be answered on our extremism portal.


Learn more about the Extremism Project

To the Third Nuclear Age – a Timeline


The project “To the Third Nuclear Age – a Timeline” is comprehensively dedicated to the topic of arms control in the form of a timeline. It is aimed primarily at journalists, but also at politically and historically savvy citizens, and offers all interested parties a detailed introduction and chronological overview of the topic. In essence, the project illustrates and informs about the history of nuclear weapons and the closely related attempts to contain them within the framework of international arms control.


Learn more about the nuclear arms control timeline

The Conflict in Yemen


Though scarcely noticed by the public, Yemen is a prime example of a failed political transition, a violent power struggle between internal and external actors that has ultimately led to a humanitarian crisis. The objective of our overview page is to provide information about the largely forgotten crisis, to analyse the complex conflict situation and discuss political solutions in the context of our publications.


Learn more about the conflict in Yemen



The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s portfolio also includes the production of podcasts, some of which are dedicated to security and defence policy topics, among others. Of particular note is our AI podcasts “Spotlight” ourwhich is produced in addition to our pulications “Auslandsinformationen – Zeitschrift für internationale Fragen, Außenpolitik und Entwicklungszusammenartbeit” (International Reports Magazine for international issues, foreign policy, and development cooperation).



Information for which there is not enough space or time in the news – the “Spotlight” podcast gives neglected topics the attention they deserve. Together with our experts, we highlight contexts and discuss current changes.


Learn more about Auslandsinfo.Spotlight


Working groups

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung has established working groups on specific topics. In addition to bundling and consolidating expertise, these working units aim to contribute towards the networking of subject matter experts.

Working Group of Young Foreign Policy Experts

In the Working group of Young Foreign Policy Experts, young experts introduce their knowledge of foreign policy and draw up concepts for the political challenges of our time. Whether European policy, transatlantic relations, security and defence policy right through to economic, technology and development policy, the working group is broadly positioned in terms of content.


Learn more about the Working Group of Young Foreign Policy Experts

Working Group Terrorism and Domestic Security

The Working Group Terrorism and Domestic Security constitutes a network of young experts on counter-terrorism and domestic security issues. Members exchange ideas to develop solutions for current challenges. The Working Group specifically focuses on dangers emanating from far right and Islamist extremism and terrorism.


Learn more about the Working Group Terrorism and Domestic Security


Scholarship and didactic offers

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung offers an interesting doctoral programme to doctoral candidates interested in international security policy alongside complex conflict and crisis situations, and who would like to take a closer look at current global challenges in this field. We also offer very special seminars in the field of political education for members of the Bundeswehr. Our main aim here is to support the Bundeswehr in fulfilling its mission to protect democracy.

International Doctoral Programme “Security and Development in the 21st Century”

The doctoral programme “Security and Development in the 21st Century” is devoted to the analysis of current global challenges and the development of solutions for complex conflict and crisis situations. The programme consists of German and foreign doctoral candidates who receive a scholarship in as a part of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s doctoral sponsorship. In this way, recognized academics come together with practitioners and offer doctoral students the opportunity to consolidate their theses between theory and practice through constant personal exchange..


Learn more about the doctoral programme

Political education offers for the Bundeswehr


Political developments and their backgrounds in Germany, Europe and the world are not always easy to grasp. Therefore, as one of the major providers of political education in Germany, we have set ourselves the goal of explaining complex issues and their interrelationships and thus promoting a better understanding among the troops. As a participant in our seminars, you will benefit in particular from our many years of experience and professional expertise. Our seminars for political, historical, intercultural and ethical education are usually held as closed events for one unit. We would be happy to send you a customised programme!


Learn more about our educational offers for the Bundeswehr

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Dr. Christina Catherine Krause


Head of Department International Politics and Security Affairs +49 30 26996-3445 +49 30 26996-53445

Dr. Gerhard Wahlers

Dr. Gerhard Wahlers

Deputy Secretary General and Head of the Division European and International Cooperation +49 30 26996-3260 +49 30 26996-3567
Single title
July 28, 2022
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Event Reports
KAS / Tina Flemming
May 12, 2023
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iStock - 957083810
February 28, 2022
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Publications, events and media contributions on the topic

Our contributions are as wide-ranging and multifaceted as the topic itself!

Whether it's an expert interview, specialist publication or hot debate - click through and you're guaranteed to find the right format for you!

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Publications to the topic

Russische Fallschirmjäger treten auf dem Roten Platz während der Feierlichkeiten zum Tag der Fallschirmjäger in Moskau, Russland, am 2. August 2016 auf. picture alliance / dpa | Maxim Shipenkov

Russland als Kriegsstaat

Militärische Gewalt und Neoimperialimus unter Wladimir Putin

La Seguridad Pública en Alemania

La Seguridad Pública en Alemania | Nota conceptual

Un artículo investigativo desde la perspectiva jurídica y de derechos humanos.

Polnisches Kriegsschiff Adobe Stocke / Wojciech Wrzesień

Critical Junctures – The Future of the North

Latest development in the Baltic Sea Region

Header 2024-06-03 Synergien von Blockchain und KI KAS

Synergies of Blockchain and AI

Improving Europe’s Digital Sovereignty

Flaggen der Nato, Polens und der USA Adobe Stock / Panama

Poland as a strong security guarantor on NATO’s eastern flank

What can a successful modernization of the Polish armed forces mean for Europe and Germany?

ECEM (1)

Amenazas y desafíos a la seguridad del Perú en el siglo XXI

"Health conditions in the Occupied Palestinian Territories" - Votes of the 77th WHA

Map of the Month 05/2024

Russische Desinformаtion

Palais des Nations Geneva Flickr/UN Geneva/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Geneva Barometer

Developments among Geneva-based international organisations from January to May 2024

Deepfake-Konzept zum Abgleich von Gesichtsbewegungen. Gesichtstausch oder Nachahmung. Adobe Stock / FAMILY STOCK

The influence of Deep Fakes on Elections

Legitimate Concern or Mere Alarmism?

Polizei Festnahme Adobe Stock / abr68

Wake-up call for integration policy

The crime statistics 2023 show the need for integration policy action

Georgia Meloni hält eine Rede neben einer Israel Flagge Imago / ZUMA Wire

Rome's perspective on the Gaza war

A diplomatic balancing act on both sides of the Tiber

Soldat arbeitet in einem Computerraum Adobe Stock / AkuAku

Turning point? Civil clauses!

Why military research belongs at German universities

Ciclo Seguridad - YouTube China Latam OK

Estudio analiza estrategias de los medios chinos en Latinoamérica a través de YouTube

La investigadora del CAD, Sascha Hannig, presentó el estudio China Media Group en Español: Análisis de la presencia de los medios estatales chinos en YouTube en Español.


Croatian security industry 2024

International Conference

Iranian attack on Israel

A turning point with unforeseeable consequences

Third-person perspective of a blonde woman on a university campus Adobe Stock / TensorSpark / Generated with AI

Forced exmatriculation against anti-Semitism

Between academic freedom and security concerns: anti-Semitism and the response of German universities



Gesellschaftliche Chancen und Risiken Künstlicher Intelligenz im politischen Prozess

Key votes during the 55th session of the UN Human Rights Council

Map of the Month 03/2024

Portada Antártica

Antártica: una aproximación desde Argentina y Chile

Serie: Perspectivas

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Events on the topic






75 Jahre NATO
Ringvorlesung an der Universität Bonn



fully booked
Mare belli? – Der Ostseeraum in Zeiten russischer Aggression
Eine Kooperationsveranstaltung mit der Deutschen Atlantischen Gesellschaft



Die USA vor den Wahlen



Krieg in Europa: Wie verteidigungsbereit ist Deutschland?
Teilnahme auch über Facebook ( und Youtube ( möglich

Event Reports on the topic

Event Reports on the topic

Kiel Security Conference 2024 Header Jan Kulke/KAS

Kiel Security Conference 2024

“Critical Junctures – the Future of the North”

23.06.2024_1. Niederrheinische Tellerrandgespräch in Neukirchen-Vluyn

Bundeswehr und Wehrhaftigkeit: „Die große Frage ist, wie reformfähig wir als Staat sind“

"1. Niederrheinische Tellerrand-Gespräch" unter der Schirmherrschaft von Kerstin Radomski MdB

Grevenbroicher Schlossgespräch 27.05.2024

Putins Krieg gegen die Ukraine: Wie kann Europa Frieden schaffen?

Grevenbroicher Schlossgespräch unter der Schirmherrschaft von Hermann Gröhe MdB


75 Jahre NATO: Sicherheit und Frieden für Europa – wie lange noch?

Kooperationsveranstaltung mit der Gesellschaft für Sicherheitspolitik Sektion Oldenburg

XII. Adenauer Konferenz am 15. Mai 2024 KAS/Edgar Nemschok

„A turning point requires determination“

Report on the XII. Adenauer Conference on 15 May 2024

75 Jahre NATO, Potsdam, 10.04.2024, Abschied Raabe KAS

Verteidigungsbündnis im Wandel

"75 Jahre NATO - 25 Jahre Osterweiterung: Herausforderungen im 21. Jahrhundert"

Sendker Naumann2

75 Jahre NATO: Zerreißprobe für das Atlantische Bündnis am Beginn einer neuen Weltordnung?

Eine Bilanz des 45. #HessenKAS Facebook-Live in Kooperation mit der Deutschen Atlantischen Gesellschaft am 10. April 2024

8 - sei-a-mensch-5459

Sei a Mensch!

Fotografien aus Israel nach dem 7. Oktober 2023

Natalija Bock und Irina Riabenka (von links; Foto: Thomas Ehlen) Thomas Ehlen / kas,de

Zwei Jahre (zehn Jahre?) nach dem Beginn von Russlands Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine

"Europa bedeutet, füreinander einzustehen“ / Eine Bilanz des Fuldaer Gesprächs 20. Februar 2024

Welt in Unordnung: Die weltweiten Krisen und ihre Folgen für die Bundeswehr

"Kreis Düren im Gespräch" unter der Schirmherrschaft von Thomas Rachel MdB

Ursula Von der Leyen bei ihrem Rundgang in der Wagenhalle im Colosseum Colosseum Berlin

Cafe Kyiv 2024: "Putin cannot be allowed to win this war!"

Political discussions, pop-up market, workshops, films, fashion, art and Ukrainian cuisine

Sendker - Levy

"Kein anderes Land": Wo sind Juden wirklich sicher?

Eine Bilanz des 44. #HessenKAS Facebook-Live vom 31.01.2024

24_01 Kooperation 18.1

Das Jahrhundert der deutsch-russischen Beziehungen ist mit dem Angriff auf die Ukraine zu Ende

Wintervortrag zur Geschichte und Zukunft der deutsch-russischen Beziehungen

100 Tage Angriff auf Israel

Eine Solidaritätsveranstaltung mit Israel

gsp titel

Das "Undenkbare Denken" oder "Der Krieg der Zukunft"

Veranstaltung in Kooperation mit der Gesellschaft für Sicherheitspolitik Sektion Oldenburg

Dr. Christoph von Marschall Thomas Ehlen /

Krisen, Kriege, Konkurrenz

Eine Bilanz des Wiesbadener Tischgesprächs und des Frankfurter Gesprächs am 4. Dezember 2023

BW 14 11 23 (2)

Vortrag und Gespräch

Bundeswehr der Zukunft im Spiegel der Zeitenwende

Gruppenfoto der Preisträger und Preisträgerinnen. Ulf Dahl/Kieler Nachrichten

" For mind and heart to recognise, understand and learn"

The winners of the German Local Journalism Award 2022 were honoured in Kiel

Pressegespräch Geiselangehörige

„Free the Children Now!“

On November 15 and 16, 2023, a group of relatives of hostages abducted in the Gaza Strip visited Germany.

Bedingt Verteidigungsbereit

Bedingt verteidigungsbereit?

Sicherheitspolitische Herausforderungen für Deutschland und Europa


Media library

Erststimme #96: Gregor Golland
Das Thema Islamismus ist komplex. Wir sprechen mit dem Innenpolitiker Gregor Golland MdL über Online-Propaganda, Radikalisierung und Gegenmaßnahmen.
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New episode of “Auslandsinfo. Spotlight”
Who defends Europe? Dr. Puglierin on European security policy and US priorities
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The asymmetry of reporting
Sei a Mensch - Israel after 7 October 2023
We are exhibiting Halina Hildebrands' photographs at the Academy of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Berlin.
Informe de Gestión KAS 2023
Con mucha satisfacción compartimos con ustedes nuestra gestión 2023. ¿Qué hicimos? 😎👇
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New episode "Auslandsinfo Spotlight"
Danger in the Red Sea: Yemen's Houthis and the freedom of navigation
For months, the Houthis have been attacking trading ships with drones and rockets off the coast of Yemen. But what is the rationale behind these attacks?
Erststimme #90: Rainer Meyer zum Felde
75 Jahre NATO
Wir sprechen mit Brigadegeneral a.D. Rainer Meyer zum Felde, über das erfolgreichste Verteidigungsbündnis der Geschichte, das am 4. April sein 75-jähriges Bestehen feiert.
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Erststimme #89: Bernhard Felmberg
Militärseelsorge in der Bundeswehr
In dieser Ausgabe sprechen wir mit Bernhard Felmberg, dem evangelischen Militärbischof der Bundeswehr u.a. über Militärseelsorge.
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New episode "Auslandsinfo Spotlight"
Roderich Kiesewetter in an interview: NATO, Russian imperialism and the future of Ukraine
In this episode of our podcast, we talk to Roderich Kiesewetter, Member of the German Bundestag and military expert, about the security situation and the future of Europe.
First vote #87: Nico Lange
Munich Security Conference
We speak to renowned security policy researcher Nico Lange after the Munich Security Conference about the results for the security policy situation.
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New episode “Auslandsinfo Spotlight”
Military expert Gustav Gressel: Three scenarios for Ukraine
In this episode of our podcast, we talk to military expert Gustav Gressel about the major challenges facing the Ukrainian armed forces (in German).

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