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Scholars of KAS Media Programme SEE visit the Bulgarian Council for Electronic Media in Sofia

by Manuela Anastasova
On 2nd of May the scholars of the KAS Media Programme South East Europe visited the Bulgarian Council for Electronic Media (CEM).

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They met with the Chairperson Sonya Momchilova and the CEM members Simona Veleva and Gabriela Naplatanova. Topic of the discussion were the work and responsibilities of the regulator as well as its role within the media landscape in Bulgaria and Europe. Moreover, we discussed the challenges, which CEM is facing due to the rapid technological changes regarding the digitalization. Our scholars were also able to see how the media monitoring is being executed on a daily basis.

The KAS Media Programme South East Europe awards the “Adenauer Journalism Scholarship” twice a year. It supports talented journalism students at universities in Sofia. Thus, the Media Programme aims to support the new generation of young journalists in the media.

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