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Razumkov Centre

Single title

Ukrainian Society, State and Church in Wartime. Church and Religion in Ukraine-2024

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The publication is devoted to the relationship between Ukrainian society, the state and the church during the war and contains both the results of the latest sociological study by the Razumkov Centre on «Religion and the Church in Ukrainian Society» and an analysis of trends in church and religious life in Ukraine over almost a quarter of a century. The materials were prepared within the framework of a project supported by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Ukraine since 2000

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The publication contains the results of a sociological survey conducted by the Razumkov Center sociological service in October 2024 with the support of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Ukraine, based on a sample representing the adult population of the territories of Ukraine under the control of the Ukrainian government.
The Razumkov Center has been constantly monitoring the church-religious situation in Ukraine since 2000. Over this time, a significant amount of data has been accumulated that allows us to track trends in the development of religiosity in Ukrainian society, the level of public trust in the church as a social institution, and public opinion regarding the role of religion and the church in public life, state-confessional, interdenominational, and interchurch relations.
The analysis of the results of the sociological survey provides an understanding of the following:

  • the level and nature of religiosity in Ukrainian society;
  • the role of religion and the Church in society;
  • the relationship between the Church and the state;
  • citizens' assessment of interreligious, interdenominational, and interchurch relations.

In the latest research, in addition to the questions traditionally asked in the monitoring process, considerable attention was paid to citizens' assessments of how the Church responds to the problems and challenges of our time (in particular, its activities in the context of Russian aggression against Ukraine), citizens' perceptions of the role and importance of social service of religious organizations, the motivation of religious practices, and attitudes toward the modernization of the Church.
The study also examined the attitude of citizens to the issue of banning the activities of religious organizations in Ukraine whose governing centers are located in the territory of the aggressor state.

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Kateryna Bilotserkovets

Kateryna Bilotserkovets bild

Project Coordinator +380 44 4927443


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