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The Perception of Germany's "Energiewende" in Emerging Countries

Results of qualitive interviews on Germany’s transformation of the energy system in Brazil, China and South Africa

This study was conducted by infratest dimap on behalf of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS). Within the KAS, the study was a joint project involving the departments of European and International Cooperation and Politics and Consulting, with the Political Dialogue and Analysis and Empirical Social Research teams taking the lead at the working level. The contents and structure of the expert interviews were determined in collaboration with specialists at infratest dimap, based on input from earlier workshops.

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Summary Results

2 State of knowledge of the Energiewende

2.1 Goals

2.2 Information basis

3 Assesment of the Energiewende

3.1 General points

  • Positive aspects of the Energiewende (S.19)

  • Negative aspects of the Energiewende (S.24)

  • Overall view of the Energiewende (S.29)

3.2 Specific points

  • Security of supply (S.36)

  • Environmental and climate protection(S.40)

  • Economic feasibility (S.44)

4 An Energiewende in the surveyed countries?

4.1 Discussions on energy policy in the surveyed countries

4.2 Effects of Germany's Energiewende on the surveyed countries

4.3 Transferability of Germany's Energiewende

5 Outlook: future energy policy in Germany

5.1 Competitiveness

5.2 Long-term considerations

6 Appendix

6.1 Participants

6.2 Script for structured interviews

6.3 Overview of Germany and the surveyed countries

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Dr. Christian Hübner

Dr. Christian Hübner

Artificial Intelligence +49 30 26996 3264
Single title
September 30, 2014
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Single title
September 30, 2014
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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.


Berlin Deutschland