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A Time For Re-Commitment

The Twelve Points of Berlin

In the summer of 1947, 65 Jews and Christians from 19countries gathered in Seelisberg, Switzerland. They cametogether to express their profound grief over the Holocaust,their determination to combat antisemitism, and their desireto foster stronger relationships between Jews and Christians.

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They denounced antisemitism both as a sin against God and

humanity and as a danger to modern civilization. And to

address these vital concerns, they issued a call in the form

of 10 points to Christian churches to reform and renew their

understandings of Judaism and the relationships between

Judaism and Christianity.

Now, more than 60 years later, the International Council

of Christians and Jews issues a new call ― this one to both

Christian and Jewish communities around the world. It

commemorates the anniversary of the Seelisberg gathering,

which was also the genesis of the International Council of

Christians and Jews. Today’s call reflects the need to refine

the Ten of Seelisberg, consistent with the advances in

interreligious dialogue since that groundbreaking document

of 1947.

This new call contains 12 points ― presented as goals, and

addressed to Christians and Jews, and to Christian and

Jewish communities together. After listing the 12 points and

several specific tasks for each one, the document reviews

the history of the relationship between Christians and Jews,

which has provided the contextual framework and impetus

for our initiative.

We members of the International Council of Christians and

Jews speak together in this new call as active members of

our traditions with a centuries-long history of alienation, hostility

and conflict, punctuated by instances of persecution

and violence against Jews in Christian-dominated Europe, as

well by as moments of graciousness and mutual recognition

from which we can take inspiration.

Spurred by the Seelisberg initiative, we have worked to

overcome the legacy of prejudice, hatred and mutual distrust. Through a serious commitment to dialogue, self-critical

examination of our texts and traditions, and joint study

and action for justice, we better understand each other,

accept each other in the fullness of our differences, and affirm

our common humanity. We understand that Jewish-

Christian relations are not a “problem” that is going to be

“solved,” but rather a continuing process of learning and refinement.

Perhaps most important, we have found friendship

and trust. We have sought and found light together.

The journey has been neither simple nor easy. We have encountered

many obstacles and setbacks, including conflicts –

some quite serious – over theological or historical developments.

But our determination to pursue the dialogue in spite

of difficulties, to communicate honestly, and to assume our partners’ good will has helped us stay the course. For these reasons, we believe that the history, the challenges, and the

accomplishments of our dialogue are relevant for all those

who are dealing with intergroup and interreligious conflicts.

In that spirit, we issue this call to Christian and Jewish communities

around the world.

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Dr. Karlies Abmeier

Head of Team Religion, Integration and Family Policy +49 30 26996-3374 +49 30 26996-3551
Single title
July 1, 2009
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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.


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