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Unconstitutional Changes in Africa

A New Trend?

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With five unconstitutional changes of government and several attempted coup d ‘états over the last twelve months, a political development has returned to the African stage that Heads of State and Government of AU member states had hope to put behind them. The African Union responded and suspended four member states – more than ever within a single year in the history of the continental organization and its predecessor, the OAU.


The development does not only heavily challenge the principles of the AU Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance. It is also opposed to the AU’s ongoing initiative to “Silencing the Guns” by 2030.


What are the underlying root causes that explain the resurgence of unconstitutional changes? Is the simultaneity a coincidence? What needs to be done or reinforced by the AU, the RECs, and African member states to stop the trend? Much is at stake for the continent that pursues with determination to achieve the goals of the Agenda 2063. The timing is even more difficult at a time when African economies are ailing from the consequences of the global Covid-19 pandemic.


In a joint event, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) and Amani Africa Media and Research Services want to give answers to these pressing questions and bring together African and international key stakeholders in a high-level hybrid event in Addis Ababa on Friday, March 4, 2022.



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Benno Müchler

Benno Müchler

Country Representative Ethiopia/ African Union
Unconstitutional Changes in Africa. A New Trend? KAS Äthiopien/AU

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