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The Personality Cult in the 20th Century

Key notes by Dr. Thomas Kunze at the Scientific Conference 'Art, Literature & Propaganda in Dictatorship'.

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The Personality Cult in the 20th Century will be the topic of the key notes by the Director of the KAS office in Albania, Dr. Thomas Kunze, at the Scientific Conference of the Institute for the Study of the Consequences and Crimes of Communism (ISKK).

Dr. Kunze will also refer to parts of his book, co-authored with Thomas Vogel - Oh my beloved leader! The Personality Cult in the 20th and 21st Centuries - which examines how personality cults arise, develop, and adapt across different cultures. The book also analyzes the ways in which various leaders, from dictators like Hitler, Stalin, and Mao to modern figures like Kim Jong-un, Fidel Castro, and Hugo Chavez, use the cult of the individual to manipulate public opinion and maintain political power.

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Xheko Imperial Hotel, Tirana


  • Dr. Thomas Kunze

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