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Youth Sector in Albania and Negotiation Process for EU Integration

Alternative Progress Report - Youth Sector in Albania and Negotiation Process for EU Integration 2023

Throughout this paper, in the quest to understand the multifaceted nature of Albania’s journey towards the EU, the authors have integrated passages from interviews with key stakeholders. Their voices, aspirations, and concerns are woven into the fabric of their analysis, providing concrete perspectives on the EU integration process for youth involvement

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This paper concludes with a set of recommendations addressing the challenges and harnessing the opportunities presented by the expectations of Albanian youth. These recommendations are rooted in the belief that the alignment of youthful optimism with a practical and political process is not only possible but indispensable for Albania’s future within the EU.

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Zheni Korçari

Zheni Korcari

Programmkoordinatorin +355 4 22 66 525


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