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Single title

Conflict of Interest and Ethics Among Judges and Prosecutors: European Standards at the National Level

Compilation of decisions of the ECtHR, decisions of the German Federal Constitutional Court, and decisions of the Italian Constitutional Court

This manual highlights the principles that constitute the main pillars of the rule of law, which are: the independence and impartiality of the judiciary and the right to a fair trial, as well as two key elements: objective guarantees for judges' careers and ethics. Many significant jurisprudential decisions from various countries are brought to attention in this summary.

Asset Publisher

For all the principles and elements mentioned in the manual, the European Center provides this compilation of decisions from the ECtHR, the German Federal Constitutional Court, and the Italian Constitutional Court, with the aim of enhancing the effectiveness of measures in understanding and implementing European standards by legal professionals and Albanian citizens.

Asset Publisher


Zheni Korçari

Zheni Korcari

Programmkoordinatorin +355 4 22 66 525


Asset Publisher

Asset Publisher