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Development Policy Monitor

South Africa's Role in International Development Policy

by Henning Suhr

Strong ambitions but limited scope for an African regional power

With its "Monitor Development Policy" series, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation focuses on the role of non-traditional donors in development cooperation. This time we take a look at South Africa, which cannot be considered a classic donor country due to limited possibilities, but which is committed to cooperation in line with its principles, especially at the multilateral level.

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South Africa cannot be described as a donor country in the classical sense. The funding it provides is too low to fit into that category and the inflow of funds from other donors is too significant. Nevertheless, South Africa became involved in the international arena relatively early on, pursuing its own cooperation strategies and approaches. The country has established itself in international politics as a major advocate for multilateralism and pan-africanism. Due to limited possibilities, South African foreign and development policy is geared towards creating institutions and changing rules and norms to suit South African interests.
Given the historic economic crisis and an accompanying shift in domestic political priorities, financial expenditures for foreign and development policy are expected to decrease in the coming years. Nevertheless, for lack of alternatives, South Africa remains the most important partner in the region for non-African donor countries.
Read our Monitor Development Policy "South Africa’s Role in International Development Policy" here as a PDF.

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Henning Suhr

Henning Suhr bild

Head of the Department International Dialogue Programs +49 30 26996-1013
+27 (11)214 2900-201

Veronika Ertl

Veronika Ertl

Head of the Regional Program Energy Security and Climate Change Middle East and North Africa +212 537 6704 13-10
Development Policy Monitor
Jad El Mourad / Pexels /
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About this series

The publications of the Development Policy Monitor are part of our Monitor publication series. The Monitor series deals with one main topic at a time from the perspective of KAS experts and places it in the political and social context on the basis of a few key points.