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Adobe Stocke / Wojciech Wrzesień

Critical Junctures – The Future of the North

Latest development in the Baltic Sea Region

The accession of Finland and Sweden to NATO brings new strategic implications and defense opportunities for the Baltic Sea region. At the same time, it poses additional challenges for the alliance in light of Russian ambitions in the region. As NATO develops agile defense strategies, cooperation between the Baltic and Nordic states becomes even more crucial.

Adobe Stock / Elle Arden / Generiert mit KI

A qualitative analysis of the political mood in Germany

Disappointment, frustration and resignation

The political climate in autumn 2023 is characterized by profound uncertainty and dissatisfaction. This study paints a picture of the mood in German society. It analyzes the political climate, attitudes to key political issues, the image of the parties, voting motives, the role of the AfD and draws conclusions for the future. In particular, it examines the question of what this mood means for democracy in Germany and to what extent it is linked to the rise of the AfD.

KAS / Jochen Roose

Something New More Often: The electorate of the new left-conservative party BSW

Results from a representative survey

The party “Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht - Vernunft und Gerechtigkeit” (Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance: Reason and Justice), founded in January 2024, is already attracting a sizeable electorate. Representative results are now available on the attitudes of those who intend to vote for the BSW in a Bundestag election. They are somewhat more likely to be between 41 and 60 years old. In East Germany the party is considerably more successful. In terms of immigration policy, they want more restrictions. When deciding between climate protection and economic growth, they are more in favor of economic growth.

Adobe Stocke / Business Pics / Generiert mit KI

Analysis of the European Elections in Germany on 9 June 2024

Report on the preliminary final result, the main voting determinants, voter migration and social structure.

The CDU/CSU wins the European elections and is far ahead of all other parties with 30.0 percent. The AfD made gains compared to the last Bundestag and European elections, coming in at 15.9 percent. The SPD came third with its weakest result in a nationwide election (13.9 percent). It was followed by the Greens, who lost significantly compared to the last European elections and achieved 11.9 percent. The Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) achieved 6.2 percent from a standing start, ahead of the FDP (5.2 percent) and the Left Party (2.7 percent).

Adobe Stocke / Ася Лысогорская

Mandatory counseling in pregnancy conflicts

Protection for everyone involved

Advocates of liberalizing abortion in Germany are calling for the abolition of mandatory pregnancy conflict counselling. However, current regulations and the experience of counselors show that mandatory counseling is the best way to do justice to the ethical, legal and psychosocial dimensions of this conflict.

Adobe Stock / Imagecreator / Generiert mit KI

The more, the mightier?

Why human capital counts in order to assert oneself in the global power structure

Population size has always played an important role in the rise of states to great powers. Now the populations of more and more countries around the world are shrinking and ageing. Does this herald a loss of power on the global stage, and does population growth go hand in hand with an increase in a country's importance? The analysis of economic, security policy and social factors in middle and great powers sheds light on the connections between demographic change, national strategies and the global power structure.

Adobe Stock/ stockmotion/ Generiert mit KI

Are tariffs of all things the salvation of free trade?

We can talk about selective tariffs – but not about protective tariffs

Free world trade is being jeopardised by subsidies. The right response to this is not new subsidies, but selective tariffs in rare exceptional cases: Behind concerns about the effects of economic dependencies, the benefits of open world trade are increasingly being eclipsed. There may be situations in which trade policy dependencies – for example in the case of rare earths – can be mitigated by state intervention. Subsidies to build up own production capacities are significantly less efficient, more expensive and undermine the market principle.

Adobe Stock / FAMILY STOCK

The influence of Deep Fakes on Elections

Legitimate Concern or Mere Alarmism?

In the upcoming 2024 super election year, AI-driven deep fakes pose a great threat to electoral integrity worldwide. From Slovakia to the US and Turkey, manipulated audio, image or video files blur reality and erode trust of the public in available information. Combatting deep fakes demands urgent action: robust defense strategies, cyberliteracy initiatives, and ethical guidelines for the use of AI in political communication are crucial to preserve the integrity of democratic processes.

Adobe Stock / volff

City, Countryside, ... Differences?

Political Attitudes from Big Cities to Rural Areas - Results from Representative Surveys

Voting behavior reflects clear urban-rural differences: The CDU/CSU and the AfD score higher in rural areas, while the Green party does better in urban areas. How can these effects be explained? Using representative survey data, our study shows that urban-rural differences in party sympathies and slight differences in political attitudes could provide an explanation for the different electoral success of the parties according to urban-rural areas.

Adobe Stock / agsandrew

Self-determination, criminalization and mandatory counselling

Impulses for Inquiries into § 218 StGB

Since the Federal Constitutional Court's ruling in 1993 and the legal provisions in 1995, the debate on abortion has largely calmed. The current regulation reflects a compromise between differing legal interests, respecting both the autonomy of the woman, as referenced in Articles 2 and 3 of the Basic Law, and the protection of unborn life, as per Article 1 Section 2.

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About this series

The Monitor series deals with one main topic at a time from the perspective of KAS experts and places it in the political and social context on the basis of a few key points.

Ordering Information

The contributions appear exclusively online and can therefore not be ordered.


The current main topics are “Development policy”, “Sustainability” and “Election and social research”. The contributions of these sub-series are presented for you on separate overview pages in addition to the overall series.