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Break-up of the traffic light coalition without consequences for political opinions

Results from representative trend surveys on political attitudes

Since December 2022, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation has conducted short surveys on the political attitudes of Germans twice a year. The most recent survey was launched shortly after the break-up of the traffic light coalition on 6 November 2024. This study uses survey data from 2022 to 2024 to show how the political attitudes of the German population have changed following the end of the traffic light coalition. What is the situation at the end of 2024 in terms of satisfaction with democracy or confidence in the future? Has there been a shift to the right in terms of self-positioning on the left-right scale? What about populism and conspiracy theories?


Boost for the Defence Industry

Seven short-term proposals for a competitive domestic defence sector

The USA is withdrawing from Europe as a security guarantor – what should be done now? In order to assert and preserve themselves, Germany and Europe must quickly invest more in their deterrence and defence capabilities. We are not helpless. But defence capability requires significant and long-term investments in our armed forces, in research and development, in infrastructure, materials and personnel. The arms industry plays a key role.

Adobe Stock / JFL Photography

Election analysis of the parliamentary elections in Hamburg on 2 March 2025

Report on the preliminary final result, the main determinants as well as voter migration and social structure.

Compared to the Bundestag elections, there are considerable differences in the performance of the parties. Our election analysis provides explanations for these results. Based on the election day surveys and polls in the run-up to the election, the significance of the assessments of top candidates, party competences and political issues for the election result is explained.

Adobe Stock / Tada Images

Doubling Down, not Backing Down

Defending the EU’s Digital Sovereignty in the Trump Era

Over the past months, the EU and various member states have faced relentless attacks from U.S. tech billionaires. The EU has been accused by these corporations of censorship and unfairly targeting U.S. tech platforms with enforcement actions described as “tariffs”. Ceding the playing field to Big Tech in fear of retaliation from Trump will not lead to peaceful or productive relations between the EU and the U.S. The EU must double down on enforcement, ensuring ongoing investigations progress while considering bans on market access, corporate breakups, and trade restrictions.

Adobe Stock / hanohiki

Analysis of the Bundestag election in Germany on 23 February 2025

Detailed results of the Bundestag election, key determinants of the election outcome, voter migration, and social structure of the electorate.

The CDU/CSU wins the Bundestag election and becomes the strongest parliamentary group. The election analysis explains the result in comparison to the 2021 Bundestag election and looks at voter migration and the main reasons for the election result. Based on the election day polls and surveys in the run-up to the election, the importance of the assessments of top candidates, party competences and political issues for the election result is explained.

PantherMedia / sibgat

Political Attitudes towards Climate Protection, Migration and the Welfare State

Growing Differences between Voter Groups – Results from Representative Surveys on Political Positions among the German Population

Representative results on political attitudes show how social positions on immigration, climate protection and the welfare state have changed. Has the political climate of opinion shifted? How strong are the polarisation tendencies in German society? Does an increased AfD electorate now represent more moderate positions on average? Exciting developments can be observed with regard to party supporters, which could shape current voting behaviour.

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Good Feelings, bad feelings

Representative survey on party images and feelings triggered by parties

Using a representative survey, the study analyses which political terms are associated with which parties. Furthermore, this study analyses which parties trigger certain feelings such as fear or outrage, but also trust and confidence. Both aspects of the perception of parties have already been analysed in previous surveys (2018 and 2020), meaning that a comparison over time is possible for some of the terms and feelings. This makes it possible to trace changes and constancy in party images in 2024.

Adobe Stock / Dzmitry

Indonesia’s Climate Policy: Lost in Translation?

Dependency, Governance, and Communication in Climate Policy

Indonesia has committed to achieving net zero emissions by 2050, but it faces substantial challenges in reaching this goal. The country is heavily reliant on coal, both for its electricity generation and export earnings. Phasing out fossil fuels and enhancing climate action will require a comprehensive approach that integrates national policies with local implementation, overcomes financial and structural barriers, and builds on international cooperation. It will further be crucial to foster a deeper climate awareness at all levels.

Adobe Stock / Dzmitry

Colombia’s Energy Transition

Between Export Dependency and High Ambitions

Colombia’s economy is heavily reliant on the extraction of natural resources. The export of coal, in particular, serves as an important source of income for the country, posing substantial challenges in light of the envisioned energy transition. Implementing a non-gradual and accelerated transition away from fossil fuels carries a certain risk for the Colombian economy and society. Therefore, it is essential to support the transition with reindustrialisation policies and export diversification the necessary stability for the country.

Adobe Stock / Dancing Man

Kazakhstan’s Energy Transition

Tackling the Challenges on Kazakhstan’s Path to Carbon Neutrality

Kazakhstan is the first Central Asian country to set ambitious targets for renewable energy and carbon neutrality. This makes Kazakhstan a pioneer in the region’s energy transition, but the country faces significant challenges. Despite the progress made so far, there is a need for profound sectoral reforms, effective carbon pricing, and the right balance between economic growth and environmental responsibility to achieve a sustainable and low-carbon future in the long term.

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About this series

The Monitor series deals with one main topic at a time from the perspective of KAS experts and places it in the political and social context on the basis of a few key points.

Order details

The contributions appear exclusively online and can therefore not be ordered.


The current main topics are “Development policy”, “Sustainability” and “Election and social research”. The contributions of these sub-series are presented for you on separate overview pages in addition to the overall series.