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International Reports

Refugees and Migration: A European Mood Barometer

by Caroline Kanter, Dr. Stefan Gehrold, Tina Mercep, Norbert Beckmann-Dierkes, Aleksandra Popović, Evelyn Haefs, Dr. Michael A. Lange, Frank Spengler, Bence Bauer, LL.M, Dr. Marco Arndt, Borislaw Wankow, Claudia Crawford, Dimitrie Weigel

Ein europäisches Stimmungsbild

From a comprehensive publication by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung on migration and refugees we have selected several European perspectives in an updated version. Staff writers from various KAS field offices reflect on the ways the topic of refugees and migration is viewed in different regions around the world and the ways individual countries are dealing with the current crisis.

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International Reports
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