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Army and Society

Army and Society (Cover)

Editorial | An Anchor in Society. The Importance of Soldiers and the Military in the USA | Child Abuse in Conflict. Child Soldiers in Congolese Society | The Relationship Between the Military and Society in Israel. The Entire Nation Is an Army, the Entire Country the Front Line | North Korean Refugees in South Korea. Arduous Escape and Difficult Integration | From an Instrument of Power Politics to Democratic Values. Decentralisation in Morocco

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Army and Society

  • Editorial of the issue "Army and Society"

    When we commemorate the outbreak of the First World War a hundred years ago, today’s hotspots can hardly be overlooked. Media coverage often neglects the pressures faced by societies that are directly affected by war. Moreover, the challenges of countries whose armed forces are involved in international missions also need a closer look. To what extent do people care for soldiers who are deployed abroad? How is society reflected in its armed forces?

    by Gerhard Wahlers

  • An Anchor in Society

    The Importance of Soldiers and the Military in the USA

    Apart from a short period during the Vietnam War, the American people have always supported their military, which in turn is strongly anchored in society. It knows its place within a democracy where elected politicians decide about military operations. However, like other nations, the USA is also challenged to offer its soldiers that kind of support necessary to fulfil their tasks.

    by Elmar Sulk

  • Child Abuse in Conflict

    Child Soldiers in Congolese Society

    Current estimates put the number of child soldiers, boys and girls, worldwide at 250,000. The biggest use took place during the two Congo Wars (1996 to 2003). The Democratic Republic of Congo and the international community have been trying not only to demobilise those children. More importantly, they have been struggling to reintegrate them socially. A difficult task.

  • The Relationship Between the Military and Society in Israel

    The Entire Nation Is an Army, the Entire Country the Front Line

    National security is inextricably linked with Israel’s political culture. In view of the Middle East conflict, the people and politicians regard a strong military as existentially important for the State of Israel. The army is reflected in society in many ways. In order to maintain this character, the Israeli Defense Forces have to take societal changes into account.

    by Evelyn Gaiser

Other Topics

  • North Korean Refugees in South Korea

    Arduous Escape and Difficult Integration

    Since the division of states and the subsequent military conflict between North and South Korea, thousands of North Koreans fled their country in view of political repression and economic despair. Their target destination is South Korea. But there, refugees face a difficult integration. Prejudices, cultural differences and a modern life-style cause tensions.

    by Norbert Eschborn, Ines Apel

  • From an Instrument of Power Politics to Democratic Values

    Decentralisation in Morocco

    When Morocco’s new Constitution took effect on 1 July 2011, a considerable step was taken toward democratisation. In that respect, a decentralisation policy is also being implemented. In order for those measures to contribute to the sustainable stabilisation of the country, decentralisation must not be based on power and control. It should rather stem from the knowledge of the man’s dignity and his right to self-determination.

    by Helmut Reifeld

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About this series

International Reports (IR) is the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung's periodical on international politics. It offers political analyses by our experts in Berlin and from more than 100 offices across all regions of the world. Contributions by named authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editorial team.

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Dr. Gerhard Wahlers



Benjamin Gaul

Benjamin Gaul

Head of the Department International Reports and Communication +49 30 26996 3584

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