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Country reports

Podcast: Cities as global actors in combating climate change

by Dr. Peter Hefele

Interview with Professor Dr. Maria Francesch, Hong Kong

For decades nation states have been the main drivers and often also objectors in international climate policy. The COP21 conference in Paris has seen a range of new influential actors: NGOs, multinational companies ā€“ and cities. They all contributed much to the progress made in Paris. Therefore global climate change policy is no longer an exclusive domain of nation states.

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Dr. Peter Hefele conducted an interview with Professor Maria Francesch, author of a new KAS RECAP study on "Transnational Climate Change Networks".

Professor Francesch was educated in Madrid and came to Asia in the mid-1980s. She served as Legislative Assistant at the Legislative Council of Hong Kong SAR. Later, she graduated with a Masters degree in Public Administration and with a PhD at the University of Hong Kong . Till 2016 she taught political science and public administration at the University of Hong Kong and the City University of Hong Kong.

Her expertise includes sub-national environmental governance compared, climate change policy and governance, energy transitions, and governance transformations in Asia.

The interview is also available at Soundcloud.

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Dr. Peter Hefele


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