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"Deterrance by Defence”


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Russia’s aggression and its imperial ambitions threatens European and global security. Russia’s imperial ambitions were recently declared by president Vladmir Putin. Also, these ambitions were demonstrated by the Russia’s hostile actions: 2008 war in Georgia; 2014 and 2022 invasion of Ukraine.

After February 24, 2022 (date of Russia’s invasion to Ukraine) European nations clearly realized that current deterrence strategy “Deterrence by Presence” has failed - small NATO’s European military forces do not provide proper deterrence to the huge Russian forces which are concentrated on the Eastern part of Europe (Kaliningrad and Belarus). This suggests that old deterrence concept is obsolete. Some NATO countries (UK) have already advised to switch to a new one – “Deterrence by Defence” concept. This would mean higher readiness, higher expenditures for the defence, more troops, more reserves, more interoperability, new concepts/doctrines, better forces, and most important new level of regional and NATO cooperation.

The goal of this discussion is to contemplate about requirements for the future of the deterrence strategy in the Baltic Region.

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National Defence Foundation