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Discussion: "Election year in the European Union and the USA. What awaits us?"

We are happy to announce our panel for the discussion festival “LAMPA” - “Europe between the European Parliament and US elections”

Asset Publisher


We are happy to announce our panel for the discussion festival “LAMPA” - “Europe between the European Parliament and US elections”!


2024 is an important year for the European Union and the USA - in June people all around Europe elected a new European Parliament, and USA Presidential elections will be held in the Autumn, which will also impact the Global Security situation.


These events coincide with the rise of populism and right-wing extremism in Europe, which raises concerns about the shifting political and security trends in the region. In Germany the far-right party Alternative for Germany (AfD) has already reached an all-time high in the polls. Right-wing populists and right-wing extremists are also making gains elsewhere in Europe.


What do the results of the 2024 European Parliament elections mean in this context? What will US foreign policy look like if Donald Trump becomes President? Are these concerns justified? What can we expect? And what will be the future of security in Europe and the Baltic states?


Panel of experts:


Dr. Aylin Matlé, Research Fellow, Center for Security and Defense, Germany
Lidia Gibadło, Research Fellow, Centre for Eastern Studie, Poland
Kristīne Bērziņa, Security Policy Researcher, The German Marshall Fund, USA
Moderated by Pauls Raudseps, Journalist and commentator, for "IR" magazine, Latvia


The discussion will be held in English, Latvian translation will be provided.


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Cēsu Pils Parks, Stage Nr.11 "Sarunu Vieta"


  • Dr. Aylin Matlé
    • Research Fellow
    • Center for Security and Defense
    • Germany
  • Lidia Gibadło
    • Research Fellow
    • Centre for Eastern Studie
    • Poland
  • Kristīne Bērziņa
    • Security Policy Researcher
    • The German Marshall Fund
    • USA
  • Moderated by Pauls Raudseps
    • Journalist and commentator
    • for "IR" magazine
    • Latvia

Ieva Jēkabsone

Ieva Jēkabsone bild

Project coordinator +371 67 331 297 +371 67 331 007

Asset Publisher

Asset Publisher