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Online seminar

The Fight over the Melting Arctic

The Evolving Arctic Security Environment

Recently the Arctic has become a “hot” topic, as climate change is causing the melting of ice which, in turn, opens new opportunities and desires.

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Programme The Fight over the Melting Arctic download

Just recently with the blocked Suez Canal, there is more consideration of Arctic passageways. Despite the crucial situation brought  by climate change the struggle for influence in the Arctic region grows stronger every day. The Arctic now is now a focus of Great Power rivalry and influence seeking. 
The clash between the Biden Administration and the Chinese at the meeting in Alaska is only one example for that.
Taking into account all these developments Konrad-Adenauer-Stifung Baltic States, Latvian Transatlantic Organization and the Embassy of Canada invite you to an online discussion via Zoom.

Keynote speaker Dr. Rob Huebert, Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Calgary, Canada.

Professor Huebert is a well-known expert on Arctic security. Besides his University position, he serves as well as associate director of the Centre for Military and Strategic Studies. From 2010 to 2015 he was appointed member of the Canadian Polar Commission. His articles are published in many different journals and publications.

His recent book written, together with Whitney Lackenbauer, is “Canada and the Changing Arctic: Sovereignty, Security and Stewardship”.

Feel free to watch the recording on our YouTube channel.

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  • Dr. Rob Huebert
    • Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Calgary
    • Canada
  • H. E. Mr. Kevin Rex
    • Ambassador of Canada to Latvia
    • Estonia and Lithuania
  • Elisabeth Bauer
    • Director of the Baltic office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

Ieva Jekabsone

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