Event reports
Ronald Pofalla and Stephan Malerius at the meeting with Belarusian independent journalists. Vilnius, 05.05.2011. Photo: www.delfi.lt
Pofalla meeting with representatives of the Belarusian opposition. Vilnius, 04.05.2011. Photo: www.charter97.org
Rector Prof. Dr. Anatoli Mikhailov opens the meeting of Pofalla with EHU students. Vilnius, 05.05.2011
Ronald Pofalla meeting with EHU students. Vilnius, 05.05.2011
Ronald Pofalla meeting with EHU students. Vilnius, 05.05.2011
Ronald Pofalla and Prof. Dr. Anatoli Mikhailov during the discussion with EHU students. Vilnius, 05.05.2011
Ronald Pofalla meeting with journalists of Belarusian independent mass media. Vilnius, 05.05.2011
Ronald Pofalla meeting with journalists of Belarusian independent mass media. Vilnius, 05.05.2011. Photo: www.delfi.lt
Full text of the event's report (pdf, in German)