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Specialist conference

“The Role of the Social Dialogue for the Social and Economic Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina”

The need for a „closer cooperation between trade unions and employers associations in BiH“, was underlined at our conference held in March 2007. The institutionalization of the social dialogue was considered a key for the achievement of this goal.

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Thursday, April 24, 2008

“Hotel Grand” (Muhameda ef. Pandže 7, Velešići - Sarajevo)

9.00 H

Registration of participants

09.30 H


  • Dr. Christina Catherine Krause,

    Director of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung,

    Office Sarajevo/Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • Dr. Nikola Spirić (tbc),

    Chairman, Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • Dr. Miroslav Lajčák,

    High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina, EU Special Representative

10.00 H

“Defining the Social Dialogue: Goals, Functions, Structures, and Principles”

How can the social dialogue structures help to resolve important economic and social issues, encourage good governance, advance social and industrial peace and stability and support economic progress? How does the social dialogue function? Which are the necessary structures and principles of the social dialogue?

Topics to be covered: collective bargaining, dispute prevention and resolution, ILO standards concerning the social dialogue, social dialogue indicators, the social dialogue and gender equality, social pacts, tripartism, wages

William Simpson, Labour Relations Adviser,


Followed byDiscussion

11.00 H

“The Social Dialogue in the Neighborhood and EU – Models and Priorities”

Practical examples from the EU member states and the region: How has the social dialogue developed in the old EU member states and in the new EU member states? How is the national social dialogue structured? Which impact does the social dialogue have? How strong are the social partners – and why? Which are the challenges of adopting the EU acquis in this regard and, generally, what can actors from Bosnia-Herzegovina expect to deal with in the coming years?

  • The Role of Social Partners in EU-Member States – the Netherlands as an Example

    Joost Van Iersel, Member of the European Economic and Social Committee

  • National Social Dialogue in South-Eastern Europe

    Patrik Zoltvany, Member of the Western Balkan Contact Group, European Economic and Social Committee

  • National Social Dialogue in Croatia

    Ana Knežević, President of the Association of Trade Unions in Croatia, and Economic and Social Council of Croatia

  • National Social Dialogue in Montenegro

    Dragan Đurić, Head of Capacity Development Unit, Capacity Development Programme, UNDP

Followed by Discussion

Moderation: Alexandra Ruedig, Senior Economic Advisor, OHR

13.00 H


14.30 H

“The Social Dialogue in Bosnia-Herzegovina – Experiences”

How has social dialogue developed in Bosnia-Herzegovina? Is the potential of the social partners developed? How representative are the social partners? Have they engaged in collective bargaining, dispute prevention and resolution? Have barriers to economic progress been removed? Have mutual trust and confidence been achieved?

  • Dr. Perica Jelečević, Minister of Labour and Social Policy FBiH, Member of Economic Social Council of FBiH
  • Boško Tomić (tbc), Minister of Labour, Veterans and Disabled Persons Issues RS
  • Edhem Biber, Representative of Social Economic Council, Trade Union FBiH
  • Alija Remzo Bakšić, Vice President Association of Employers of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Followed by Discussion

Moderation: Aleksandar Draganić, Member of Young Ecomists Team

16.00 H

Coffee break

16.15 H

"Prioritizing Economic Capacity Building: Economic, Social and Industrial Relation Issues on the Agenda of an Economic and Social Council in Bosnia and Herzegovina”

  • Sredoje Nović (tbc), Minister of Civil Affairs, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Nihad Imamović (tbc), President, Association of Employers of Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Ranka Mišić, President, Confederation of Trade Unions of Bosnia-Herzegovina
Followed by Discussion

Moderation: Aldin Medjedović, President, Center for Regional Initiatives (CRI)

17.30 H


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Hotel Grand, Sarajevo


  • U suradnji sa Centrom za regionalne inicijative (BiH) i Eduardo Frei Fondacijom (Holandija).

    Dr. Christina Catherine Krause


    Head of Department International Politics and Security Affairs +49 30 26996-3445 +49 30 26996-53445

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