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2. Human Rights Film Festival

Filmvorführungen und Diskussionen auf Englisch - Bosnisch/Serbisch/Kroatisch

Filmvorführungen und Diskussionen auf Englisch - Bosnisch/Serbisch/Kroatisch

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Although the importance of the human rights protection, promotion and respect in the context of B&H is an explored subject, the current situation hardly proves so. B&H is a country with something more than four million inhabitants, going through the process of transition, democracy consolidation, EU integration, and first of all positive peace building - thus facing still the consequences of the three and a half year conflict that destroyed its demographic, political and economic structures and led almost half of the population to leave their homes as refugees or internally displaced persons.

Today, B&H has adopted, signed and ratified basically all the regional and international legal instruments dealing with the protection and promotion of human rights. However, a comprehensive implementation of human rights norms is not ensured.

The Sarajevo Human Rights Film Festival PRAVO LJUDSKI, HRFF, is a project that intents to take up current issues of relevance through the medium film and thereby open up the public space to discussions on human rights issues. The main objective of the HRFF is to promote a forum for debate on human rights, democracy and rule of law, equality, and human development.

The Festival has among the other features, an educational character, and in duration of three days it will focus on three broad themes: identity, radicalization and sustainable development through screening documentary.

The main goal of the project is that of educating and creating awareness on human rights issues to stimulate dialogue, networking and partnerships among key civil society players that are actively involved in the field. The festival will act as a space for facilitating interaction among human rights organisations, government and individuals alongside specific human rights issues.

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Dr. Christina Catherine Krause


Head of Department International Politics and Security Affairs +49 30 26996-3445 +49 30 26996-53445