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City meeting 1

Advancing Understanding of Factors Which Affect Public Interest in Reconciliation in BiH and Sarajevo

In cooperation with CEIR

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Advancing Understanding of Factors Which Affect Public Interest in Rec-onciliation in BiH and Sarajevo

November 3rd

Hotel Europe

Vladislava Skarića 5


Kontakt telefon: 065 367 130

12:30 h Registration of the Participants

13:00 h Welcome

Besima Borić, Member of former Commission for Truth and Reconciliation

Dr. Karsten Dümmel, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina

13:15 hMr. Sc. Marko-Antonio Brkić - Introductory Notes

13:30 hMuhamed Jusić, Reconciliation Processes in BIH: Presentation of the Results of the Research Factors in Reconciliation: Reli-gion, Local Conditions, People and Trust

13:50 hDoc. dr. sc. Zlatiborka Popov Momčinović, Reconciliation

Processes in Sarajevo: Context, Actors, Initiatives

14:10 hDiscussion

15: 00h Coffee Break

15:15hMr. sc. Emina Ćosić: Conversations with Citizens about


15: 30 hDiscussion: What can be done, who needs to do it...

16:15 hMr. Sc. Marko Antonio Brkić - Concluding Remarks

16:30 hCatering

17:00 hDeparture of the Participants

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Dr. Karsten Dümmel


Deputy Department Head, Department Civic Education +387 33 215 240 +387 33 215 239

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