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Framework, Benefits and Costs of Renewable Energy in the Western Balkans

The conference seeks to contribute to Bosnia and Herzegovina’s efforts to take on the EU’s energy standards. Furthermore, the organizers wish to encourage the dialogue between key players who will pave the way towards a sustainable energy future.

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8.30 – 9.00


9.00 – 9.05


Dr. Danijela Martinović (Chairwoman of the Joint Committee on Economic Reforms and Development, Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Sabina Wölkner (Director of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Bosnia and Herzegovina)

9.05 – 9.15


H.E. Ulrike Maria Knotz (Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in

Bosnia and Herzegovina)

9.15 – 10.00

Key notes

Ermina Salkičević-Dizdarević (Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of

Bosnia and Herzegovina) "The Impact of Renewable Energies on the Economic Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina"

Miroslav Kukobat (Head of Energy and Infrastructure Unit, Regional Cooperation Council)

"The Perspectives of the EU’s Renewable Energy Policy on the Western Balkans"

Chair: Sabina Wölkner (Director of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Bosnia and Herzegovina)

10.00 – 10.15

Coffee break

10.15 – 12.30

Panel I - The Legal Dimension

Addressing EU’s Green Standards: Effective and Efficient Support Policies for the Western Balkans

Introduction: Slavtcho Neykov (Director, Secretariat of the Energy Community Treaty, Vienna, Austria)

Erdal Trhulj (Minister for Energy, Mining and Industry, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina), Milan Janković, (Head of Energy Department, Ministry for Industry, Energy and Mining of the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina), Alen Leverić (Assistant Minister for Industry Policy, Energy and Mining, Ministry of Economy, Labor and Entrepreneurship, Croatia), Dr. Olaf Heil (Director, Hydro Power & New Technologies, RWE Innogy GmbH, Germany)

Chair: Dr. Danijela Martinović (Chairwoman of the Joint Committee)

12.30 – 14.00


14.00 - 15.30

Panel II - The Economic and Environmental Dimension

Sustainable and Profitable Renewable Energy

Introduction: Peter G. Nothnagel (Managing Director, Saxony Development Corporation, Germany)

Amil Kamenica (Executive Director for capital investments, Elektroprivreda Bosnia and Herzegovina), Ivan Bobovćan (Head of Energy Sector, Siemens Croatia d.d.), Miodrag Dakić (President, Center for Environment, Bosnia and Herzegovina), Maja Božičević Vrhovčak (President, Society of Sustainable Development, DOOR, Zagreb, Croatia)

Chair: Amer Bekrić (Secretary, Parliamentary Joint Committee)

15.30 – 16.00

Coffee break

16.00 – 17.30

Panel III - The Financial Dimension

Risks and Benefits of Financing Renewable Energy Projects

Introduction: Sead Miljković (Vice-President of the Foreign Investors Council of

Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Libor Krkoska (Head of Office, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Bosnia and Herzegovina), Leila Bičakčić (Director, Centre for Investigative Reporting, Bosnia and Herzegovina), Saša Šegrt (Director, Transparency International Croatia)

Chair: Bojana Škrobić-Omerović (Executive Director of the Foreign Investors Council of

Bosnia and Herzegovina)

17.30 – 17.45

Coffee Break

17.45 – 19.15

Panel IV - The Technological Dimension

Technology, Infrastructure and System Integration

Introduction: Dr. Goran Granić (Director, Energy institute Hrvoje Požar, Zagreb, Croatia)

Bakir Đonlagić (Head of RE Section, Končar - Electrical Engineering Institute, Zagreb), Dr. Tarik Kupusović, Director (Hydro-Engineering Institute, Sarajevo) , Edin Zametica (Secretary, State Electricity Regulatory Commission, Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Chair: Sabina Wölkner (Director of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Bosnia and Herzegovina)

19.15 – 19.30

Conclusion / End of Conference

Dr. Danijela Martinović and Sabina Wölkner


Reception at the Restaurant Four Seasons

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Parlamentary assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina


Framework, Benefits and Costs of Renewable Energy in the Western Balkans: Event contribution about the "Regional Renewable Energy Symposium" on April 25th in Sarajevo
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Sabina Wölkner

Sabina Wölkner

Head of Department 2030 Agenda +32 2 66931-77 +32 2 66931-62
Konferenz zum Thema Erneuerbare Energien, 25. April 2012, Sarajewo, Bosnien und Herzegowina KAS

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