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Specialist conference

Islamische Szene in Bosnien und Herzegowina

Die Gelehrtenvereinigung "Ilmiyya" organisiert mit der KAS eine Konferenz unter dem Titel "Islamische Szene in BuH". Ziel soll es sein, Beamte, Journalisten und Diplomaten über alternative Entwicklungen der islamischen Praxis zu informieren.

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TUESDAY, 05 July 2011

08.30 – 09.00 hRegistration of participants

09.00h Opening remarks

Dr. Mustafa ef. Cerić

Reis ul-Ulema of the Islamic Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Mensur ef. Pašalić

President of the Association Ilmija

Sabina Wölkner

Director of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Office Bosnia and Herzegovina

09.45 h„Reformatory movements and radical muslim groups in history”

Prof. Dr. Enes Karić

Faculty of Islamic Sciences Sarajevo

10.00 h„Islamic movements in the 20th century and their presence in B&H”

Muhamed Jusić

Islamic Community in B&H

10.15 hDiscussion


Rifat Fetić

Secretary General of the Association Ilmija

11.00 h Coffee break

11.30 h„Socio-political analysis of the phenomen of radicalism“

Prof. Mustafa Spahić

Gazi-Husrev bey Madrassa Sarajevo

11.45 h„Alternative muslim groups between Shariah and secular law”

Prof. Dr. Fikret Karčić

Faculty of Islamic Sciences Sarajevo

12.00 hDiscussion


Rifat Fetić

Secretary General of the Association Ilmija

13.00 hLunch

15.00 hPlenary discussion of the first working day

16.00 hEnd of the first working day

WEDNESDAY, 06 July 2011

09.30 h„Religion and politics in secular society”

Dr. Dževad Hodžić

Faculty of Islamic Sciences Sarajevo

09.45 h„Islamic spectrum: Terminological distinction”

Ahmet Alibašić

Faculty of Islamic Sciences Sarajevo

10.00 hDiscussion


Rifat Fetić

Secretary General of the Association Ilmija

10.30 h Coffee break

11.00 h„Role of the Islamic Community, media and state institutions in solution finding”

Ekrem Tucaković

Islamic Community of B&H

11.15 hDiscussion


Rifat Fetić

Secretary General of the Association Ilmija

12.00 hEnd of the colloquium

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Fakultät der Islamwissenschaften Sarajevo


dr. Mustafa ef. Cerić, Mensur ef. Pašalić, prof. dr. Enes Karić, prof. Muhamed Jusić, prof. Mustafa Spahić, prof. dr. Fikret Karčić, doc. dr. Dževad Hodžić, mr. Ahmet Alibašić, prof. Ekrem Tucaković

Erdin Kadunić

Projektni koordinator u Predstavništvu fondacije Konrad Adenauer u Bosni i Hercegovini

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Gelehrtenvereinigung _Ilmiyya_ der Islamischen Gemeinschaft Bosnien und Herzegowinas