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Politische Akademie 2008

"Coalition formation"

The political academy 2008 would consist of 3 seminars dealing with the following fields of interest: 1. Communication and politician’s communication skills, 2. Party democracy 3. Coalition formation.

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Political Academy 2008 Seminar III

„Politician’s Communication Skills“

June 13 – 14, 2008

Sarajevo, hotel Grand

Friday, June 13th, 2008

14.15 hOpening Remarks:

Dr. Christina Catherine Krause, Konrad Adenauer Foundation

Peter Noordhoek, Eduardo Frei Foundation

Introduction of the participants

14.30 h“Situation in BiH and Background to the Political Parties present”

Presentation by SDA, HDZ, PDP and HDZ 1990

15.00 h„The Role and PR Possibilities of Candidates“

-Logistical and operational requirements

-Traditional activities

-Special events

-Political advertisements

-Connecting with the voters

-“Door to door” action

-24-Hours before election


Jens-Uwe Kerl, Unit for Marketing and Internal Communication, CDU, Germany

Peter Noordhoek, EFF/CDA, The Netherlands


16.30 hBreak

17.00 h„Recognition and Image Maintenance“

-Brochures and newsletters

-Photography and billboards

-Branding, advertising

-Promotion materials (print materials)

-TV appearance

Jens-Uwe Kerl, Unit for Marketing and Internal Communication, CDU, Germany

Peter Noordhoek, EFF/CDA, The Netherlands


19.00 hDinner

Saturday, June 14th, 2008

10.00 h„Statements and Press Releases“

-Developing of public relations

-Models of public relations

-Good media relations

-Press releases and news items

-Public information

-Media campaign

-Spin doctors

Jens-Uwe Kerl, Unit for Marketing and Internal Communication, CDU, Germany

Peter Noordhoek, EFF/CDA, The Netherlands


11.30 h„Public Appearance“

-Public image

-Increasing visibility


-Non-verbal communication


-Public speeches

-Political rhetoric

-Delivering messages

-Political promises

-Interview and press conferences

Amir Zukić, Journalist from BiH

Ramiz Mehaković, Method PR-Agency


13.00 hLunch

14.00 hTV-debate Simulation

Amir Zukić, Journalist from BiH


16.00 hEvaluation and Conclusions

Translation English/B/SC

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Dr. Christina Catherine Krause


Head of Department International Politics and Security Affairs +49 30 26996-3445 +49 30 26996-53445
Politische Akademie 2008 v_3

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Eduardo Frei Foundation