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Pravo ljudski - Echt menschlich

Filmfestival über Menschenrechte

Die Absicht des 3. Echt menschlich ist zu inspirieren. Die feststehenden Wahrheiten neu zu bewerten ist eine Provokation - die Umgestaltung der festgelegten Ordnung bedeutet diese zu überdenken, und die Initiative zu ergreifen zugleich zu handeln.

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13.11.2008 Obala Meeting Point

18:00 PRAVO LJUDSKI opening

18:15 The Greatest Silence: Rape in the Congo , 76', Lisa Jackson, USA, 2007

Q&A with the Author

19:45 Public discussion - Breaking the Silence: Rape as a Weapon of War

21:00 PRAVO LJUDSKI Cocktail

14.11.2008 Dom oružanih snaga BiH, Sarajevo

12:00 ZUMIRAJ PRAVA / ZOOM RIGHTS: God looks like me , 13'; A Human Request , 13', Goethe-Institut

12:30 ZUMIRAJ PRAVA / ZOOM RIGHTS: Primary Pupils in BiH: Will They Have Joint Memories...?, 26', ACIPS, Sarajevo

17:00 Jerusalem: the East Side Story , 57', Mohammed Alatar, Palestine, 2007

18:30 Sari Soldiers , 90', Julie Bridgham, USA/Nepal, 2008

Presentation of the Stolac Short Film Festival (Executive Director, Muamer Kodrić & Creative Director, Ahmed Burić)

20:30 A roof over the head, 27’, Mehdi Boostani, Iran

21:00 Three Times Divorced , 74', Ibtisam Salh Mara'ana, Israel/Palestine, 2007

Q&A with the Author om

15.11.2008 Dom oružanih snaga BiH, Sarajevo

12:00 ZUMIRAJ PRAVA / ZOOM RIGHTS: NA EX: Cultural Heritage, 35'; NA EX: On the Margin, 35' -Collaboration project TiPovej/You tell! (Ljubljana),

FadeIn (Zagreb), XYFilms (Sarajevo), Kontrapunkt (Skopje), ANP (Gilan), Ciklotron (Belgrade), SMart Kolektiv (Belgrade)

13:30 ZUMIRAJ PRAVA / ZOOM RIGHTS: Best Photo Award

17:00 Mechanical Love, 79', Phie Ambo, Denmark, 2007

19:00 Shadow of the Holy Book, 90', Arto Halonen, Finland, 2007

Q&A with the Cinematographer

21:00 Tunnel's End, 100', Monica Lleo, Spain / Bosnia and Herzegovina

Q&A with the Author

16.11.2008 Dom oružanih snaga BiH, Sarajevo

12:00 ZUMIRAJ PRAVA / ZOOM RIGHTS: The Morning After, 28'; In 4 Years, 13', FadeIn, Zagreb

17:00 Jiwasa, 66', Ismael Saavedra, Bolivia, 2008

18:30 FACES, 85', Gmax, Pieter van Huystee - the Netherlands/France, 2007

Q&A with Author

Kino Bosna

21:00 Manda Bala (Send a Bullet), 85', Jason Kohn, USA, 2007

22:30 PRAVO LJUDSKI Closing

Concert: Basheskia & Edward EQ

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Dr. Christina Catherine Krause


Head of Department International Politics and Security Affairs +49 30 26996-3445 +49 30 26996-53445
Pravo ljudski - Echt menschlich

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