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The Role of the Social and Economic Dialogue for Economic Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Challenges and Opportunities for Economic Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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09.30 h Welcome Remarks

Alija Remzo Bakšić

Managing Director of Association of Employers’ of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Sabina Wölkner

Director of Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Following: Address

Challenges and Opportunities for Economic Development in

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Prof. Dr. Svetlana Cenić

Economist, former Finance Minister of Republika Srpska

Prof. Dr. Novak Kondić

Dean of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Banja Luka


Sabina Wölkner

Director of Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Bosnia and Herzegovina

10.30 h Coffee Break

11.00h Following Round Table Discussions

First Discussion Round

The Economic and Social Dialogue and its Impact on the EU Integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Statements (each 5 minutes) by

Edhem Biber

President of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Duško Jandrić

Vice-President of the Trade Union of Republika Srpska

Christian Kaufhold

Team Leader, Promotion of Local and Regional Economy, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), Banja Luka


Alija Remzo Bakšić

Managing Director of Association of Employers’ of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Following: Discussion including round table participants

12.30 hLunch

13.30 hSecond Discussion Round

Business and Investment Environment: What can be done to Enhance Economic Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina?

Statements (each 5 minutes) by

Dragiša Mekić

Assistant Minister for the Foreign Trade Policy and Foreign Direct Investment, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Zoran Koprivica

President of the Joint Committee for Economic Reforms and Development

of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Admir Kapo

Director of the Association Buy / Consume the Domestic

Slavica Korica

Assistant Director of the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Davorin Marinkovic

Associate at Karanovic & Nikolic Law Office, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Dr. Duljko Hasić

Economic Analyst of the Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Following: Discussion including round table participants

15.00 h Coffee Break

15.40 hThe Brussels Perspective

EU Enlargement Policy and Key Challenges Lying Ahead of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Paola Pampaloni

Head of Unit Bosnia and Herzegovina, Enlargement Directorate General, European Commission

Third Discussion Round

Social Policy: A Liability or Boost for Economic Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina?

Statements (each 5 minutes) by

Dr. Bela Benyo

Team Leader, Industrial Relations Expert, CEEN Consulting


Prof. Dr. Svetlana Cenić

Economist, former Finance Minister of Republika Srpska

Following: Discussion including round table participants

17.00 h Conclusions

First Discussion

Alija Remzo Bakšić

Managing Director of Association of Employers’ of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Second Discussion

Dr. Duljko Hasić

Economic Analyst of the Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Third Discussion

Prof. dr. Svetlana Cenić

Economist, former Finance Minister of Republika Srpska

17.30hEnd of conference

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The Role of the Social and Economic Dialogue for Economic Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Welcome Speech to the Conference
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Sabina Wölkner

Sabina Wölkner

Head of Department 2030 Agenda +32 2 66931-77 +32 2 66931-62
The Role of the Social and Economic Dialogue for Economic Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Asset Publisher

Asset Publisher