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Youth in diplomacy and European Integration

Academy for political leaders

Project ”Academy for political leaders” aims to engage youth activists in political parties and to create a new generation of politicians ready to cooperate in work for benefit of their communities.

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Responsibilities and legal competence is not clearly divided in complicated official system of BiH. More complicated is issue of European integration and public hardly understands what does it really mean for them and their future. Lack of knowledge and understanding usually leads toward complication and prejudices regarding changes in society. That is why this module is important for raising awareness about these issuesis going to be consisting of following subjects: state regulation of BiH; legal procedures; BiH institutions' competence; BiH Constitution; responsibilities of BiH for joining EU and under whose responsibility it is as well as what has been already achieved regarding that. Also we will put effort to diplomacy skills and based information on this issue. Lecturers will be experts from nongovernmental and governmental organizations with relevant position regarding conferences' subjects

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dr Jelica Stefanović – Štambuk, Fakultet političkih nauka, BeogradSvetlana Cenić, politička analitičarkaNJ.E. Igor Davidović, Ambasador BiH pri misiji OEBSA

Sabina Wölkner

Sabina Wölkner

Head of Department 2030 Agenda +32 2 66931-77 +32 2 66931-62