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Rule of Law and Public Policy

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The rule of law, democracy, and human rights are universal values that are part of the global KAS mission. Even though there are a consolidated state and economy in Brazil, the democracy is still young and undergoes constant challenges to its full formation. These issues are related to the lack of access to basic rights and inequality. Therefore, the social market economy aims for a more harmonious relationship between economy and society, seeking to reduce the impacts of inequality through efficient public policies. It is important to highlight that these universal values are utmost for the country to continue walking on the path of development, based on the guarantee of rights, on human dignity, and on the formulation of public policies with positive impacts in the future. Furthermore, the fight against corruption is also vital, since it seeks to guarantee a fair and balanced government operation, based on international best practices on transparency and the use of resources by states, institutions, and society.




Our activities: We hold courses, lectures, seminars, and training sessions all over the country, with the main goal of guaranteeing broad access to excellent material, developed by specialists in the fields of Democracy and Human Rights.

Our partners: Kolping Brazil and CEDIN (Brazilian Center for International Law)




Our activities: We provide training courses for professionals, journalists and specialists engaged with the combating corruption theme, with emphasis on the principles of investigative journalism. The main goal is to build a network of specialists, committed with the proper functioning of the state machine, based on transparency and full access to information.

Our partners: International Transparency Brazil

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Luiz Gustavo Carlos

Luiz Carlos KAS

Project Coordinator +55 21 2220 5441 +55 21 2220 5448

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