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Super election year 2022 in Brazil

Thematic dossier

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The year 2022 is again a super election year in Brazil. On 2 October, the more than 156 million eligible voters - and Brazilians between the ages of 18 and 70 who are obliged to vote - were called to the polls to elect a president, 27 of the 81 senators, 513 federal deputies, 27 governors, and state and district deputies. With this event in mind, parties and parliamentarians mobilised their forces to form competitive factions and coalitions and increase the chances of expanding their seats in Congress. Part of this preparation in Brazil is the "ritual" of changing parties. These were possible until the beginning of April. A total of 132 deputies made use of this. The clear winner of the redistribution of the balance of power at that time was the liberal party PL of President Jair Bolsonaro, which won 33 new deputies - mainly from the União Brasil - and was now the strongest force in parliament with 75 deputies. Until the elections, the Workers' Party PT represented the second largest group with 56 representatives, followed by the Progressistas (50 MPs) and the Republicans (45 MPs). The socialist party PSD and the PSDB were among the losers in this year's change window. This trend was also reflected in the parliamentary elections on 2 October. The PL was able to strengthen its supremacy. With 98 elected deputies and 12 senators, it is now the strongest parliamentary group in the coming legislative period. The PT also won 12 seats in the Chamber of Deputies and 2 in the Senate. The newly constituted parliament will be dominated mainly by conservative forces from 2023. As none of the candidates won an absolute majority, a run-off election between the leading candidate and former president Luiz Inácio "Lula" Da Silva (PT) and President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) for the office of head of state is scheduled for 30 October 2022, as well as duels in 12 of the 27 states at the governorate level.

With this page, KAS-Brazil will provide information in German and Portuguese on the elections in Brazil in the coming months until the election in October 2022 and on the outcome of the election and the formation and installation of a new government in the months after. You will also find all the information that the KAS Brazil team had compiled for the 2018 elections.

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Maximilian Hedrich

Maximilian Hedrich bild

Director KAS office Brazil +55 21 2220 5441 +55 21 2220 5448

Carmen Leimann-López

Portrait Carmen Leimann-López

Desk Officer Central America and Mexico +55 21 22205441

Ariane Costa

Ariane Costa KAS

Project Coordinator

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