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II. National Meeting of Female Mayors: Women at the Forefront of the New Economy

Socioeconomic development with a focus on care policies, environmental change, and gender and race equality.

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Women mayors and deputy mayors from different regions of Brazil will gather in Brasilia on September 25-26, 2023 for the 2nd National Meeting of Female Mayors. This event will highlight the role of women at the head of the municipal executive, whose public policies are characterized by sustainable development, social justice and the elimination of gender and racial inequalities. With the support of organizations such as the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Open Society Foundations, and, the meeting will address the challenges and opportunities of the care economy and the ecological transition as new paradigms for local development. Representatives from international organizations, federal ministries, academics and civil society are expected to attend.


This event, organized by the Alziras Institute and the GPúblicas Network of Women in Public Management, in partnership with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) in Brazil, Open Society Foundations, Porticus, the National Confederation of Municipalities (CNM), the Brazilian Association of Municipalities (ABM), the National Front of Mayors (FNP) and with the support of, aims to promote relevant discussions on socio-economic development.


Female mayors, visionary leaders in their communities, have stood out for implementing public policies committed to sustainable development, social justice and gender and racial equity. Research shows that municipalities led by women have experienced lower mortality during the Covid-19 pandemic, greater implementation of social policies and reduced infant mortality. In addition, female mayors demonstrate better fiscal performance and a greater propensity to adopt joint cabinets, encouraging the future participation of women in politics.


The role of women mayors is fundamental in leading the transition to a new economy in their regions, where the impacts and opportunities of the crises are materializing in a significant way. How can we promote local development based on policies of care, ecological transition and gender and racial equality? These essential questions will be explored throughout the meeting.


The II National Meeting of Women Mayors will be attended by representatives of international organizations, such as UN Women and the Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLAC), as well as representatives of federal government ministries, academics and members of civil society. The event will also present concrete experiences of municipalities that are making a difference.


The first day will include the Pre-Launch of the Webseries "Prefeitas", highlighting the trajectories, challenges and achievements of Brazilian women mayors in municipal executive power. This effort aims to increase the visibility and recognition of the contributions of female mayors to Brazilian democracy.


On the second day, panels will address different perspectives on the event's central theme, "Women at the forefront of the new economy". Topics will include care policies at international and national level, the ecological transition in local governments and the integration of climate justice into municipal budgets.


Registration for the event is free. It is addressed to female mayors and deputy mayors, ensuring broad party and regional representation. Any remaining places will be made available to councillors, municipal secretaries and advisors. This meeting promises to be a valuable platform for sharing knowledge and experience, with a view to building a more equal and sustainable future for local communities across Brazil. The event language will be Portuguese.

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II National Meeting of Female Mayors: Seminar held in Brasilia with mayors and deputy mayors from all over Brazil
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Ariane Costa

Ariane Costa KAS

Project Coordinator

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