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Representativeness, Democracy and Elections 2022

Political Training Seminar

The qualification of the pre-candidates is of utmost importance for the project of women development in politics. With this objective, KAS Brazil, in partnership with PSDB-Women and Teotônio Vilela Institute, will hold a training seminar for 50 pre-candidates to the federal and state legislature, on July 07th and 08th, in Belém (Pará).

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Based on theoretical and practical panels, all participants will have the opportunity to receive and discuss contents such as communication and political marketing, strategic campaign management, public speaking, financing and fundraising, Agenda 2030, public policies and electoral flags, as well as sustainable development and the importance of the Amazon in the national context.

The training of female leaders so that they can compete with equality in the elections, with preparation of campaign content and public commitments, is a commitment of KAS Brazil and its local partners.

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Ariane Costa

Ariane Costa KAS

Project Coordinator

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Instituto Teotônio Vilela - ITV