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Event reports

Encontro Brasil - Alemanha 2014: Visões e Revisões

by Friedrich Christian Matthäus
Brazilian history viewed from a German perspective

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In the premise of the Brazilian Historic and Geographic Institute the "Encontro Brasil – Alemanha 2014" event provided a platform for a historical study into the German-Brazilian relationship in the areas of politics, business, diplomacy, media and science.

From the 8th till the 10th of April 2014, the Brazilian Historic and Geographic Institute (IHGB), the German Consulate of Rio de Janeiro, the DAAD as well as the Brazil Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung welcomed those interested to a three day conference where debates and keynote speeches discussing the relationship between Germany and Brazil were analyzed. More than one hundred citizens travelled to Rio de Janeiro to take part in the lively debate.

After the opening on the 8th of April 2014 by the representatives of the supporting organizations, relations between the two countries were, for the following days, viewed from different angles. Even though initially the historical component was discussed, Brazil's as well as Germany's role in the modern world was then also hotly debated. Renowned speakers took part in the individual debates. Supporting the event as speakers and panellists was the European Union Ambassador to Brazil, Ana Paula Zacarias as well as the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Brazil, Wilfried Grolig. The presence of the Chairman of the German-Brazilian Society and former German Ambassador to Brazil, Friedrich Prot von Kunow, another expert on the history and culture of the two countries, also contributed to the success of the conference. Representatives from industry and the printed media completed those overseeing the exchanges between the countries.

"Germany - Brazil: Past, Present and Future" was the working title of a panel. At the conclusion of the meeting, it was clear to each participant that there has always been a very intense relationship on all levels of social and political life because the actors have always mustered empathy and knowledge for their counterparts. Therefore, the task of filling this relationship with vitality will continue to be the role of civil societies in both countries. Historically this has mostly been the case, and continues today. This is not least due to the political and business presence of German institutions and companies that looking forward must be further strengthened and built upon. The unanimous summary was that Germany and Brazil share common values and ideas that are there to be upheld and developed further. For this, the conference offered one of many successful platforms.

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Franziska Hübner

Franziska Hübner bild

Desk Officer of the Evaluation Unit +49 30 26996-3513
Encontro Brasil-Alemanha 2014: Visões e Revisões KAS Brasilien


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