In two panels issues related to the personal development of young people will be discussed.
Panel I: Employment Crisis: Personal and Societal Perspectives
- Thomas Mann MdEP, Vice Chair of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs
- Detlef Eckert, Director - Europe 2020: Employment policies, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission
- Gianni Bottalico, President of the Associazioni Cristiane Lavoratori Italiani, Italy
- Xavier Deleval, Association Chrétienne des Dirigeants et des cadres d’Entreprise, Belgium
Panel II: Empowering young people
- Doris Pack MEP, Chair of the Committee on Education and Culture
- Pascal Lejeune, Head of Unit, EAC.D.1 Youth, Directorate General Education and Culture, European Commission
- Lothar Harles, Director of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft katholisch-sozialer Bildungswerke & Chairman of the advisory council regarding the Programme Youth in Action, Germany
- Fr. Giovanni D’Andrea SDB, Federazione Servizi Civili e Sociali – Centro Nazionale Opere Salesiane, Italy
The discussion will be followed by a reception.
Registration for the Younth Conference
During the event a German - English - Italian simultaneous translation will be provided.