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"NATO and ESDP: Forging New Links"

Annual conference organised in co-operation with "Security & Defence Agenda".

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Welcome by Peter Weilemann, Director, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, European Office

9:00 Opening Keynote: JAAP DE HOOP SCHEFFER, Secretary General of NATO


The overlap between NATO and the EU’s emerging identity has at times been a contentious feature of both the transatlantic and intra-European political debates. But how justified are these concerns? Are US policymakers aware of the ESDP’s potential for promoting global stability through hard as well as soft power, and what do they think of it? Are the strongest supporters of an independent European military capability beginning to acknowledge that NATO is still a flexible and effective instrument for furthering joint transatlantic

interests? Because both the EU and NATO face the same pressures – for a more clearly defined security strategy, a serious shortage of resources and to admit Balkans and Black Sea countries as future members – how much new scope is there for complementary policymaking?

Session I Chair: Giles Merritt, Director, Security & Defence Agenda

Addresses by:

Ambassador Tomur Bayer, Director General for International Security Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,Turkey

Ambassador Kestutis Jankauskas, Permanent Representative of Lithuania to the PSC

Ambassador Clemens von Goetze, Permanent Representative of Germany to the PSC

Karl von Wogau, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Security & Defence, European Parliament

Cezary Lusinski, Defence Policy Director, Polish Ministry of National Defence

11:00 Coffee Break


It is now widely accepted in most European capitals that forms of outreach, like peacekeeping in Africa and the Balkans, should be EU-led, while others like current operations in Afghanistan against the Taliban fall under NATO, and others still, like policing post-conflict Lebanon, should be UN-led. How do military planners and political decision-takers see the future terms and rules for civil-military expeditions? Could NATO’s

Afghanistan mission usefully be supported by an ESDP-backed programme for development assistance or civilian-led police training? How should NATO support the EU led pre-settlement political process in Kosovo? Is Berlin-plus an adequate mechanism for future cooperation or is an EU Military Staff Command and Control capability gaining acceptance? How much more do NATO and the EU need to coordinate with international organisations like the UN, the World Bank, the African Union and the OSCE, and with major players like Russia and China?

Session II Chair: Jamie Shea, Director for Policy Planning, Private Office of the Secretary General, NATO

Opening Keynote Address: LT. GEN. DAVID LEAKEY, Director General of the EU

Military Staff

Addresses by:

Major General Frank Hye, SACT Representative in Europe, ACT, NATO

Lars-Erik Lundin, Deputy Political Director and Head of Security Policy Unit, DG RELEX, European Commission

Mihai Carp, Deputy Head, Crisis Management Policy Section, Operations Division, NATO

Closing Keynote Address: DESMOND BROWNE, MP, Secretary of State for Defence, United Kingdom


Rising demand for multinational forces cooperation is placing greater emphasis on the lessons NATO has learned in Afghanistan on interoperability. Are current acquisition and investment programmes meeting future needs? What more can NATO and the EDA do to stimulate more transatlantic defence and industrial cooperation, and are transatlantic partnerships now being increasingly stimulated by the emergence of a European market? What are terrorism threats doing to promote the drive for more dual-use technology solutions? Will European countries be able to coordinate NATO’s demands with a more EU-driven security research agenda? Is there a way for the US and Europe to engage in collaborative R&D that improve

transatlantic interoperability? How damaging is the controversy over missile defence likely to be to EU-US cooperation?

Session III Chair: Giles Merritt, Director, Security & Defence Agenda

Addresses by:

Admiral Mario Bartoli, Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Armaments, NATO

Hilmar Linnenkamp, Deputy Chief Executive, European Defence Agency (EDA)

Jim Townsend, Director, International Security Programme, Atlantic Council

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Brussels, Bibliothèque Solvay, Parc Léopold


‘NATO & ESDP: Forging New Links’: Conference Report
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Dr. Peter R. Weilemann †

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