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"The Relevance and Heritage of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution"

In cooperation with the Hungarian Delegation in the EPP-ED Group in the European Parliament

Commemoration jointly organised by the European Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and the Hungarian EPP-ED Delegation in the European Parliament

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Cercle Royal Gaulois Artistique & Littéraire


  • Viktor Orbán
    • Chairman of Fidesz (Hungarian Civic Union)
    • Former Prime Minister of Hungary
  • Dr. Wilfried Martens
    • President of the European People’s Party
  • József Szájer MEP
    • Head of the Hungarian Delegation in the EPP-ED Group


"The Relevance and Heritage of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution": Speech by Viktor Orbán, Chairman of Fidesz (Hungarian Civic Union), Former Prime Minister of Hungary
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Dr. Peter R. Weilemann †

_The Relevance and Heritage of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution_

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