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Online seminar

Adenauerforum 2021

Energy & Innovation for sustainable solutions - A German-Dutch perspective

The “Adenauerforum” is an annual event format organized by the European Office of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in close cooperation with CDA Dertigers in the Netherlands. The format aims to gather young professionals and future decision makers to discuss one specific topic, that is equally important for Germany and the Netherlands and offers possibilities for cross-border cooperation and/or common strategies. High end politicians from both countries are asked to spark the discussion by given their perspective and insights. This year, the main topic will be climate protection through more sustainable and innovative models for our economies.

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Through Covid we might forget that Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our lifetime and maybe our generation. Sustainability, climate and environmental protection should be among the top priorities in the years to come. It all comes together in the Christian-democratic view of Stewardship. The implications of this trend can be found on a regional and national level but also in the policies of the European Union and the field of international cooperation in general. All of the aforementioned levels will be needed to address this challenge and limit the negative consequences of a changing climate to the smallest possible scale.


In this regard, sustainability and innovative solutions will play a crucial role in the years to come as they enable our economies to reduce emissions and protect the environment, without reducing the production or weakening the national and/or European industries. In this field the most important questions are: Which technologies can be used to make the European economies more sustainable? Which role does the European Union play in this regard? How are Germany and the Netherlands as two of the wealthiest and most developed countries of the EU doing? Are our countries leading by example or must further steps be taken in order to improve our performance in sustainability? Can the current crisis accelerate the processes that we missed throughout the last years?


The Adenauerforum 2021 takes place on Tuesday, 02 February 2021 from 19:30-21:00 via Zoom. We are looking forward to discuss the above-mentioned topics and aspects with Tom Berendsen (CDA), Member of the European Parliament and Dr. Patricia Peill (CDU), Member of the State Parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia. Both speakers will share their insights from a European, Dutch and German perspective before engaging in a discussion with the audience. The discussion will take place in English.


For registration, please use the following link:


We are looking forward to your participation!


19:30                                    Official welcome


                                                Dr. Hardy Ostry


                                                 European Office of KAS


19:35                                     Speaker Statements


                                                Tom Berendsen (CDA)

                                                 Member of the European Parliament (MEP)

                                                 Member of the ITRE Committee

                                                 Member of the REGI Committee


                                                Dr. Patricia Peill (CDU)

                                                 Member of the State Parliament of NRW (MdL)

                                                 Chair of the Committee on Environment

                                                 Member of the Committee on Economic Affairs

                                                 Member of the Committee on Digitization


20:00                                    Moderated discussion


                                                Tom Berendsen (CDA)

                                                 Member of the European Parliament (MEP)

                                                 Member of the ITRE Committee

                                                 Member of the REGI Committee


                                                Dr. Patricia Peill (CDU)

                                                 Member of the State Parliament of NRW (MdL)

                                                 Chair of the Committee on Environment

                                                 Member of the Committee on Economic Affairs

                                                 Member of the Committee on Digitization



                                                Mariska Neefjes

                                                 EU specialist (Dutch Parliament)

                                                 CDA Dertigers


20:45                                    Closing remarks


                                               Jeroen Bruijns

                                                Delegate of CDA Dertigers


21:00                                    End of the event

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  • Tom Berendsen
    • Member of the European Parliament
  • Dr. Patricia Peill
    • Member of the State Parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia

Kai Gläser

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