How will our digital future look like? In 2018, the European Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, ZVEI, Google and Siemens will try to answer this question in a series of high-level political events in Brussels under the slogan “Think Digital!”, bringing together representatives from the European Institutions, think tanks, research institutions, civil society and the private sector.
The second workshop of “Think Digital!” 2018 will focus on “Managing Cybersecurity” and take place on July 10, 2018, 08:00h, at the European Parliament. The European Commission proposed a major overhaul of the cybersecurity framework, including strengthen the mandate of ENISA. How can European policy-makers deal with this challenge in an effective and adequate manner to build trust across the Digital Single Market? How to design a framework that creates the right synergies and delivers true harmonization of national approaches? As our speakers, we welcome: Angelika Niebler (Member of the European Parliament), Martin Fazokas (Cyber Attaché of the Austrian Presidency), Eva Schulz-Kamm (Head of Global Government Affairs, Siemens), Udo Helmbrecht (Executive Director, ENISA).